
Narrator's P.O.V:

It was almost 10 am in the morning, meaning it was time for the pre-school break. Most of the kids were already hyped up for playing outside as it's the best part of the whole day. Though, the little one was still not sure of many things, who knows when another group of kids would come after him and start to get mad about something they don't even own. Thus, in his view, keeping the distance from everyone for now was the best option.

As soon as the bell rang, he grabbed his lunch and quickly made his way to the playground but it was already full with kids, he looked around scanning for a quiet and alone spot as it was useless to go back to cafeteria as it was filled with not only kids of his own age but also with teachers as well.

Talking to any kind of adults other than his own family was definitely a terrifying thought to him. Usually people tend to show rudeness towards kids, in hope of being intimidating, and that wasn't the best thing to do in his opinion so avoiding all sorts of people was the best option to him.

He looked at the far corner of the ground and smiled as he saw cool and shady spot under a tree. It was right behind the play area so no one was there and it was the best thing for him. He sat there and leaned against the tree as looked around taking a relaxing breath and took out his sandwich as smile. He always loved his eldest brother's cooking.

Not only his eldest brother used to take care of him but he always made sure that Yuu was eating properly. Yuu was definitely one of the luckiest kids in his opinion. He took a bite off the sandwich as grinned with mouthful, at how delicious it was, like always.

" Pfft! Look at that weirdo!"

" Why is he all alone?? And why is he smiling all by himself ?"

" He looks crazy to me! "

" Yeah true! Even his eyes are weird!"

He stopped smiling as he heard the voices and looked at the direction of the source, to find the same kids from earlier as they were standing there smirking. Their intentions were definitely to mock the little one.

He sighed and continued to eat without saying a word.

Yes, apparently he was just a 5 years old, but he had aged mentally from his experience at life. He never had a mother to baby him around and with such a strict father it was definitely needed to be disciplined, otherwise a harsh lecture was always waiting on the other hand.

Twins were nice but they were always in their own world so it was useless to bother them. He used to spend most of the time on his own or helping around his eldest brother with small tasks like setting the table or dusting the racks.

It seemed harsh but it was good enough to gave him an advice on how to be independent but since he was always told fighting or arguing was the bad stuff so he never bothered with it, so that stuff was totally out of his nature, unlike the twins who often argue with people about small stuff . Nanase even picked fights when Izumi wasn't there so stop him, with always appeared to be scary to Yuu.

He continues to eat and ignore the mean comments that were coming his way, as long as they weren't going to hurt him physically, their words weren't supposed to mean anything to him as they weren't any different from other people he has encountered so far.

The only place of comfort he was known to was his brother only and no one else or maybe his father at times.

He got up soon after finishing the lunch and head back, this was just a casual act of ignorance from him but for the other's it looked like the act of disrespect as it enraged them to take extreme measures which isn't supposed to happen....not at least something from kids of his own age.