The pair walked side by side while holding each other's hand. The atmosphere that surrounded the two was a bit off, but Demi decided to shrug it off. He didn't want to ask his already exhausted aunt with questions. His amber eyes drifted from the hallway to their holding hands.
"Your hand, it's sweating." He said, looking up to his aunt as they walked through the familiar hallway. "Is there something bothering you?"
Rose shook her head and gave Demi a tight smile, "I am fine."
They both came to a halt as they reached Rose's chamber. Her hand remained firmly gripped on the door handle, she turned to face Demi, who had patiently awaited her to open the door. His amber eyes were a stark contrast to her typical brown eyes. Rose averted her gaze and waited for Demi to move away, but the boy remained motionless. She knelt at his level and looked him in the eye.
"What is it inside that you are scared to open the door?" asked Demi as he stared at her with hard eyes.