Chapter Sixteen


I kept my back pressed tightly to the conveniently large tree bark, I can feel his eyes on me, even though I’m very well hidden beyond the sanctuary of the thick woods.

I don’t even know how my wobbly knees held my weight as I ran here, I nearly let off into the air right then and there. That fact irks me a bit. How could he affect me this badly?

One kiss. His hands on my hips and I was about to ruin everything my mum worked so hard for, but I couldn’t be happier really… what happened was supposed to be only a fantasy.

But it happened. And I went ahead and ruined it because I couldn’t handle my oversensitive hearing. But perhaps for the best.

Seeing as Andrew’s friend’s car skidded to a halt in front of him.

I watched as he rode with Mathew, and followed— what’s the point of going back to school if the subject of my attention isn’t there? Now mum would surely be mad… but I’m already ahead of them anyway.