After the incident a new teacher came to be a teacher in history
"H-Hell--" that teacher's greeting was cut off after falling down
"Are you okay, teacher?" Hideo and Phoebe came, Hideo is offering his hand
"We got a clumsy one" Enya whispered to Ichiro
"Mhm" Ichiro agreed while biting his nails
"Stop doing that gross" Enya said.
"T-Thank you hehe" the teacher thanked Hideo
"Where is y-your adviser anyway? I-I didn't saw her yet" their teacher asked,
"She's gone after the huge incident. I don't know why" Phoebe answered with a confused face
"O-Oh okay.."
"Good morning everybody! Y-You can call me Ms.Stella"
While Stella is teaching the student council members suddenly came
"Good morning, Mrs.Stella we would like to excuse Ichiro, Phoebe and Hideo" Lucas said while smiling
"W-Why..?" Stella said while holding her cheek with her hand and confused face
"Oh that's why we're excusing them because we can't tell you what it is" Lucas answered and continues to smile
"O-Oh.." Lucas smirked after seeing Stella frustrated while Ichiro is not showing interest at all. Lucas looked at Stella, from her platinum pink and black strands hair, her blue eyes, small lips and legs that looks like belong to a child
"Enya can come with us if you're worrying for something. She's this class' president" Isaac commented with an emotionless face while Lucas is not letting go of his smile
"T-That would be good..!!" Stella agreed while awkwardly smiling
The student council members and Ichiro with the others entered the student council's room
"W-What do you want from us?" Enya asked them directly
"None of us here, even Isaac is not an elite" Mikhael said while obviously avoiding eye contact with Hideo
"Elite?" Phoebe asked, Heil chuckled while covering her mouth
"The people that're not attending this school but won't be lost at top 1 or 100% grades. They also receive 300k every month" Heil explained,
"So, what do we care?" Hideo asked with a strong glare making Mikhael flinch
"They became elites because of a contest for people with potential or knew about potentials. We want to win against a certain group that's always participating in that contest despite being already elite" Lucas explained,
"You can copy potentials, right? Why can't you win by yourself?" Phoebe asked while fidgeting her fingers
"Stop doing that" Hideo whispered and holds her hand
"My one disadvantage is the side effect of their potentials might hurt me" Lucas answered with emotionless face
"Theo Verliéz" Isaac said while looking at his tablet
"He have an IQ of 90 but he can see 3 seconds future. Lucas can't copy that potential because his side effect is he can see people will die in the future. Making him crazy, mentally unstable and the one who kills people instead" Isaac explained,
"Lucas can't take that side effect" Heil commented while smiling
"Where will the contest starts?" Enya asked,
"7 p.m. the contest will continue for 3 days.
While the students that're not participating are on vacation"
It's 7 of that day, Ichiro and the others finished eating, preparing and now appeared at the student council's room
"That contest have 3 rounds. The first one 'protect the pianist'. The pianist is like a queen that needs to be protected, to win this you need make the pianist stop playing. This contains destroying their mental health, destroying their confidence or killing them counts" Lucas explained, soon after they arrived at the arena
Every groups have 4 members that made them split up
"The objective is to not kill anyone. But to not let Theo Verliéz kill everyone" Enya said looking around, seeing people with weapons just like her or people behind unweaponed people.Someone knew potentials despite having one, as well?
Enya brush some of her gray hair while looking at the two little sword she's holding
"Let's decide who'll play the pianist!" Phoebe said while smiling brightly
"Shut up" Ichiro coldly said made Phoebe teary
"Y-You can be the pianist. You want to, right?" Hideo said while awkwardly smiling
"P-Pray for me!" Phoebe shouted, holding Hideo's hands with bright smile
"Ahhahahaha.." Hideo forcely laughed
The lights focused on the center, a piano appeared and a door behind them opened
"Everyone, welcome to the contest. Please go upstairs and sit down on the bench. We will decide about who will you face off" a girl's voice said.
The students participated, the student council is Group 7 while Ichiro's team is Group 3. The contest contains 24 groups
"First comes Group 9 vs Group 4. The pianist is from Group 4. Protect the pianist or lose the pianist"
"Group 2 vs Group 19"
"Group 13 vs Group 24"
"Group 8 vs Group 22"
"Group 8 lost their pianist. Group 22 won"
"Group 1 vs Group 15" everybody became so silent
"Pianist from group 15"
The round starts and ended after a few twists and slash
"Group 15 was eliminated. Please pray for the students" the announcer said while everyone is staring at the stage
"Theo, huh?" Ichiro whispered while looking at the boy Theo with a sword, emotionless face and bloods
"Group 6 vs Group 7. Pianist comes from group 7"
The student council members arrived with Lucas have smirk on his face, Heil is their pianist
Heil started to press the keys, playing a piano piece
"Für elise" Phoebe whispered looking at Heil from afar
Lucas started to protect Heil. The groups attack at each other
"Your music sucks!!" A man from Group 6 shouted while Heil kept on playing the piece with a smile
"Shut up!" Mikhael shouted attacking the other team. The fight became rough while the piano piece can still be heard
"Too rough" Phoebe muttered and raise her hands up. Plays the piano piece with her eyes close and piano in her imagination
Heil kept on playing, so did Phoebe
"Too rough.." Phoebe whispered. The piece was about to end while Group 7 is in advantage
Heil and Phoebe started to play slowly and ended the piano piece with a soft hand raise
"Group 7 won" the announcer said.
More groups played piano piece while the others are attacking, Leaving 16 groups left including the groups that won
"Last 2 rounds, you're lucky if you didn't play. They will end this round with 14 groups left" Lucas whispered
"Group 3 vs Group 16. The pianist from Group 3" the announcer said.
Group 3 positioned and also Group 16. Phoebe raises her hands and started playing a piano piece
"Mozart, Sonata in C major" Heil said while gazing at Phoebe from afar
Group 16 started to attack Enya first, making Enya jump back and Ichiro, Hideo protecting her
"I'll fight fair" Ichiro muttered bringing his sword out and one arrow
"Arrow?" Hideo asked with a confused face
"Look out!" Enya shouted and pushes Hideo making her arm slashed
"E-Enya..!" Hideo shouted and ran at her
Hideo uses his potential, creating a sword and started to attack the other team. Phoebe kept on playing with her eyes close
"This match isn't for group 3. It's like a show for Phoebe" Heil said while struggling to take her eyes off Phoebe
While Enya enduring the pain, Enya listens to the sound of the Piano. She also looks at Ichiro and Hideo struggling to fight back at the enemy. If there's music, you can dance
Enya stood up enduring the pain. Started to fight back using some unknown but soft foot steps
"W-What the..?" Mikhael said with a confused face
"Yeah..They're the star of this show" Lucas said with his hand in his chin
Dance softly. Hear the rhythm, the music that Phoebe is playing
Enya's feet was dancing in Phoebe's melody while one enemy didn't know his legs is being aimed
"Ahh.!!" The guy shouted and struggling to walk. Enya kept on dancing, waving her hands. Ichiro can't stop to stare at the light from the ceiling, while Hideo can't stop staring at Phoebe
"Ahh...!!" A girl shouted from the other group after Enya slashed her arm, making the girl struggle to fight back using her swords
"Bastard!!" A guy shouted and ran towards Enya.
The guy fell after Hideo spread out his legs while his eyes close
"S-Stop playing with us!!" The guy shouted and attack Hideo instead
The battle goes on Enya's and Ichiro's prom dance and Hideo's dance making their enemies struggle even more after their pride being hurt
"All of that came from Phoebe's piano piece. Her fingers softly touching the keys and not letting her sweat bother her"
After a few minutes the enemies were unable to fight back and Phoebe also finished playing her piano piece
"H-Hideo!!" Phoebe shouted jumping at Hideo to hug him
"I-I did great!!" Phoebe shouted with a smile. Hideo didn't hug her back but instead pats her head while his head is also resting at Phoebe's head
"Yeah..I want to hear you play it again" Hideo said with a smile
"Group 3 won this round"