The bell rings to remind the groups that the final round will start. Ichiro appeared last to bench with some marks of scars
"What's with the scars?" Enya asks, Ichiro looks at the scars
"I fought with Rehan, Calen's friend" Ichiro answered without looking at Enya again
"Everyone pay attention, the round is simple. It's simply a execution or a massacre, means you can knock your enemy out or kill them all" the announcer said making some of the light turn red
"Group 22 vs Group 1" she announces
Both group are facing each other at the ring, where a bloody event will happen
Group 22's Theo brings out his sword and starts his moves
"Mmph" one struggled after being targeted by Theo. Theo slashed the man's sword and backed slightly, members of the group 22 started to attack Theo
"Tch" Theo slashed his sword to the person on the right, cutting the target's stomach
"Ahh.." he said after vomiting tons of bloods.
Theo moves quick and attacked another member
"Mmp!!" The other target shouted and attacked Theo from behind, Theo dodged it making the attacker cut the other target's right arm
"Ahhh!!! W-wh-wha...di-did y..you do.!!!" The other target shouted while holding his shoulder
"I-I d-didn't mean.." the girl said backing out with her trembling knees
"What is his the other member of the group doing?" Enya asks, Ichiro holds his chin while looking at the fight
"It's obvious, they're making Theo kill everyone because that's what Theo wants" Ichiro answered
"Yeah, I think so too" Phoebe said with a smile, she looks at Hideo that's zoning out, without any lights at his dark orange eyes
Theo pierced the girl's chest where her heart is located
"W-Wha.." the first target trembled after seeing the girl's mouth release bloods
Theo stood up and put his left foot on the target without an arm
"N-No.." the man begged, but with Theo's yellow eyes without no sign of life and his black hair that's dancing with the wind, that's where the target became extremely scared, between them it's simply a target and targeter game.
He slash his sword at the wind to remove the blood, the target was killed by cutting his throat, making Theo return to his very first target
"I-I..give up.." he said with a crying eyes, Theo stares at him and slashed his left hand that's holding a gun
"I suppose you didn't forget, I can see future" Theo said revealing his deep voice
The fight ended with Theo also cutting the last target's throat, making the stage already full of blood made by him.
"Let's see what you got" Theo murmured glancing at Ichiro watching him from the high place
"I hope you won't beg" Ichiro said making his eyes turn light red while smirking, with also his IQ becoming 210 again