"How calm can you be? I thought there are voices in your head" Theo said looking tired seeing the most trusted person, Leoge, lying down with a cold body
"I mean, this time they're on my side. They're telling me to kill all of you" Ichiro said staring at his palm
"You can't kill me" The reaper said with his deep voice while still taking Ichiro's head as hostage
Ichiro sighed after split second appearing in front of Theo
"The one who's protecting you is now pale and looks so tired, what are you expecting from him? He's just an idiot" Ichiro coldly said while smirking
"This one also looks strong!!" Zach shouted raising his sword above the reaper
"M..ine.." The manticore said appearing behind the reaper, the time stopped when the scythe was about to hit Zach's neck and it starts again when the reaper's head was flying and the scythe is in Ichiro's hands
"Theo.." the reaper used Leoge's soft voice when Ichiro is approaching Leoge
"W-What will I do.." Theo said completely losing his confidence, pulling his own hair while staring at the floor
"You can't even end your friend's misery, it's already in his eyes, look at his eyes, bloods are flowing. While you're being a pussy" Ichiro said while not looking back
"I can kill it for you, humans killing humans is a splendid thing to watch but I really prefer being the killer" Zach said while pinning the manticore down, the manticore growls as he raises his scorpion tail, the manticore grabs Zach's neck making him pin Zach down
"Ah.." Zach lets out a small shout, the manticore immediately left Zach and devoured Calista's body
"P-Phoebe.." Enya calls her name while watching her eat a human, Enya holds her stomach and threw up
"The fvck? Hideo guy got crush on this psycho b1tch?" Zach said completely watching the manticore have a great feast
"I mean, it's kinda good. Bloods are everywhere!" Zach shouted
"Can I do it instead..?" Theo said pulling Ichiro's sleeve
"End it quick" Ichiro demanded, the reaper teleported and tried to grab the scythe, but in a seconds Zach appeared and slashes the reaper's head while Ichiro's hand is at Zach's wrist
"Enough!" The reaper shouted grabbing Zach's other hand and putting his skeleton hand on Zach's chest
"Oh..I'm gonna get killed..?" Zach asks with a smirk
The reaper disappeared and Leoge's body was completely wrecked with bloods and flesh around
"Leoge.." Theo calls the man's name, the manticore appeared soon enough and started to eat the flesh that's on the floor
In a mere seconds, again, Theo and his members, Zach and Enya were outside the gym leaving Ichiro and the manticore behind
Ichiro took his sword our and started to attack the manticore
"I want to have fun too!!" Zach shouted entering the gym, Ichiro and the manticore teleporting everywhere is what he saw, Zach chuckled and runs but he falls down quick
"What is this? Gas?" Zach said and notices the flint on Ichiro's pocket is about to fall
The people outside the gym are running
"Why will Ichiro burn the gym?" Enya asks while running
"Manticores weakness are fire, ice and sand. I saw what's gonna happened, by now I think the gym is covered with gas" says Theo
"What will happen to Hideo and Phoebe?"
"I don't know when will they die because Hideo's body is controlled by a alter ego while Phoebe is a manticore that's dead a thousand years ago"
There is one thing I noticed while using my potential earlier, it's the manticore can move inside my time. I guess because the manticore isn't from our generation.
Ichiro smirked and dropped the flint, but while the flint is in mid-air, Ichiro stopped the time to let Zach sit on the benches. The manticore growls and broke Ichiro's sword
"Shit.." Ichiro said while smirking, he thrusts the broken sword at the manticore's mouth and kicks it's body to fall. He starts the time again watching the manticore burn
Ichiro holds Zach's nape tightly and let him smell the smoke making Zach dizzy and being unconscious
The manticore growls while running towards Ichiro, making Ichiro still use his potential and appeare to be teleporting
"Escape Phoebe's body already" Ichiro shouted stabbing the manticore's one leg, the manticore growls in pain while Ichiro is sweating because of the fire also causing some burns
While the manticore is falling, Ichiro also jumped and stabbed the manticore a lot while being burned extremely
The manticore's body started to dry out and Phoebe's body coming back, he grabs the unconscious woman and Hideo before leaving the burning gym
"It must be okay now" Theo said while running to come back at the gym
"Ichiro.." Enya calls his name seeing Ichiro lying down with her friends, all of them are unconscious
"You did great" Enya said while crying and softly touching Ichiro's right cheek, yet tonight I did nothing useful again making Ichiro have so many bruises and Phoebe eating humans..I'm so weak..