Ichiro, Hideo, Lucas and Phoebe were taken away that day, leaving Enya behind.
They were left alone with unknown people deep in the forest, a large gate opened and because of the fog they can barely see the circle tower
"This will be torture" Phoebe whispers while looking at Ichiro and Hideo, "And it was my fault" she finishes.
"It's not anyone's fault, it's a set up" Lucas whispered with a cracked voice.
Unknown people wearing lab coats welcomed them with a smile.
"This is your new home uhh you can start tomorrow" an old man with white hair said with a smile and raising his hands, "But Ichiro can start now" he added and the people that guided them holds Ichiro down
"Ah..L-Let go!" Ichiro said while struggling, Ichiro tried to use his potential but a device was placed on his ear.
"Don't fight back" is what he heard, a loud sound was also heard making Ichiro struggle more
"N-No!!" Ichiro shouted after voices in his head started to talk.
They're gonna torture you
Let them be
For humanity
Save yourself
No one will come for you
A heavy thing was put on Ichiro's wrist and neck. The things on the wrist is a shocker while the one in his neck can explode his head in a short amount of time
"I'm..I'll gonna destroy..this home" Ichiro said while struggling and looking at the old man
"I'm Devon" the old man introduces himself.
"I don't give a fuck" Ichiro said glaring at Devon.
Ichiro was pin down at a room, with some people watching him through a big window.
"Play it" Devon said, a man pressed a button right away triggering the device on Ichiro's ear
"Ahhhh!! Stop..time..s-stop.." Ichiro desperately said. Devon nodded after demanding to stop the device.
"His mind still isn't on a calm state, so he wouldn't probably freeze the time, but.." Devon stabs Ichiro's hand making Ichiro loudly shouts and stops the time.
Ichiro is catching breath and trying to remove the knife on his hand but the time started to move again.
"S-stop.." Ichiro said trying to freeze the time and reaching the knife.
"It looks like you can freeze the time for seconds if you're deeply wounded, Ichiro" Devon said while smirking.
Devon stabs the right side of his stomach making Ichiro spit out bloods
"Ahh..stop.." Ichiro said with a low voice and can't stop the time at all.
The torture continues while Phoebe and the others are hearing his shouts from the other room.
"What are you waiting for?! Change your clothes!" A girl with blonde hair said, licking her lollipop.
"She's a girl!" Hideo stood up, the girl puts her hand on the collar and move her head closer to Hideo
"I don't give a shit about it, I can be naked in front of you. If I can then she can as well" the girl said before leaving the room and lock it from the outside.
"Hideo.." Phoebe called his name, Hideo glared at Lucas to make him not look
"I'm not gonna look, you can take your time" Hideo softly said before turning around. Phoebe wore the clothes and hugging Lucas from behind, "I'm sorry for ignoring you this day" she said.
The night has come and Ichiro came back with no energy and full of bloods.
"I can't.." Ichiro said before sitting down at a chair in front of the window while the other are staring at him from the double decks.
"I can look at this red tree forever" Ichiro whispers while looking at a tree full of bloods and dead bodies laying around it.