Cherry looked at her tablet and started letting out words about the first game
"Game called 'Human chess', each member will assign someone as their own king and queen, if the king will die, the queen must save your majesty, in other words, sacrifice"
"Pawns, the can move freely they want but they can only fight with fists. They're the lowest of the low unless you bring out a pawn that is good with hands"
"Next, the knights. The same as pawns, they can move wherever they want, of course not the borders. The only difference is the knights will use only sword and nothing else"
"The King can only demand 3 pawns or knights, he is not allowed to bring out another pawns or knights unless one is unable to fight or they're wiped out"
"Murder is not part of the competition's rule, unconsciousness is only the option, anyone who will tear up their limbs or kill someone will be put to jail" Cherry finishes before walking on the stage's corner
The projector lights up and the groups that will fight was revealed. The total of the group is 16, so there'll be 8 rounds
"That's us!" Phoebe shouted while pointing at the project
"Our names are under the team 13 group, so is that us?" Mikhael asks
"I suppose it is" Enya uttered
"Let's see.. match 6, team 4.." Lucas mumbles and went through the team's members
"Jack.. Pierce.. Cleo..?!" Lucas shouted with such a furious tone
"Who is Cleo?" Hideo inquited
"His potential is teleportation, it's an annoying skill! I couldn't defeat him once and his side effect is too much for me! It makes you remember your trauma.." his voice suddenly lowers down as he remembers Heil's way of death. That is the most traumatic memory he wish to forget
"Then don't overwork yourself, we have someone that can stop time!" Phoebe proudly said and grabs Ichiro's shoulder
"Stop time?" Liora wondered while holding his glasses
"Yeah, it's your first time hearing about it, right?" Mikhael then said
"Don't go around and telling someone's information recklessly, I do not trust him quite yet" Isaac commented after finished sharpening his sword
"I will be a knight" Isaac added and puts his sword away, Liora looked away at the boy and fixes his ties
"I can analyze a person's potential, my potential will give me a way to defeat them. If I can not do it then the potential will use the people on my side. It's simply a 'ticking bomb' potential" Liora explained
"Also, I do not need to earn everybody's trust. If you don't want me then don't cooperate with me and I will do the same. It's do what you want to me and I will bring it back to you" he added, pointing at Isaac
"You.." Isaac hissed and grabs his sword. Fortunately, Hideo and Enya stopped him before making a fight between one another
"Then you are suited for the role 'king'" Ichiro said with an expresionless face
"Yeah, I do agree that potential is really useful" Lucas agreed after
Liora blushes but is trembling in fear
"I-I do not wish to be a king!! I can just be a pawn! I don't want such an important role" Liora shouted, capturing the contestants attention
"Shut up, loser"
"We didn't picked you because of your potential"
"Yeah, your just weak and weak meant to be protected" the others said while walking towards the border
"I am a hero" Ichiro whispers with a thumbs up, as usual, he is still expresionless
"I-I don't need your protection!!"
The game one started, the audiences are outside of the border line. Cherry steps forward and slashes her hand to the wind, that's when a purple border appeared in the border lines
Cherry, potential: holographic borders
"Assign your members roles within 2 minutes" Cherry demanded
The roles were completed and the game started. Many people from team 2 were knocked out by a slap on their nape, by a single pawn.
"Green Ash Hegwart" Lucas mumbles
"Who is he?" Phoebe curiously asked
"He is from an extremely wealthy company but his potential is not for combat and he considered building his natural strength instead" Lucas explained
"What is his potential then?"
Ash continued to run and slaps his opponents napes and they all fell one by one
"The white shadows he sees at a person means they'll die after 5 minutes. Ash himself didn't confirmed if he can see the way that person will die or not" says Lucas with his arms crossed
"Match over! Winner is team 5" Cherry shouted, pointing at team 5. The other contestants are overwhelmed by Ash's strength because the king only released him, a pawn and he was not defeated
2 rounds passed and it is now team 9 against team 1
"Ha!!! I'll kill you all!!" the boy shouted and punched his opponent
"Hades.." Lucas whispers while caressing his chin, Phoebe flinched and looked at Lucas with a confused face
Lucas chuckled and looked at the match again, "If I'm the one to ask, Hades is strong. His potential acid is quite troublesome, it can burn an opponent's skin. I never tested his potential, so I don't really know if I can copy it", Lucas explained
Match 4, Team 9 won against team 1
Matches have passed and it is match 6, both teams entered the area and it was borded immediately. Liora sits down at a fake golden throne with his hands shaking, he might act cool but he got zero self esteem
"Liora! Use us anytime you want!" Lucas shouted while standing in front of it, he chose the role knight
"Hey genius, why did you suddenly left the school and came back? Both unannounced" Cleo shouted referring to Lucas
"That is none of your business like I never cared about a low life like you" Lucas answered and smirks, Cleo grits his teeth and clenches his fists after being speechless
"Match start!" Cherry shouted and Liora opened his eyes once again. He started to look at Cleo who is only focused at Lucas
"Send me out, dickhead!!" Cleo shouted to the king, their king panicked and sent him out immediately with 2 knights
"Lucas, Enya, Mikhael!" Liora shouted while standing up, sending out 2 knights and one pawn
"Got it, king" Lucas mumbles and ran towards Cleo who is smirking and in his battle position
"Knight fighting a pawn? What a trash one" says Cleo looking directly at Lucas' eyes
"I'm not the one who chose you to be a pawn, asshole" Lucas replies as he raise his head, completely looking down on Cleo to provoke him more
Cleo clicked his tongue and kicked Lucas, aiming for his face. Lucas places his left arm on his head, that's when Cleo smirked again
"He fell for the bait! Now I will go for a Brazilian kick and..!"
Cleo's aiming changed to Lucas's neck but the kick was cut after Lucas grabbed Cleo's knee
"I think I can never stop a direct kick but at least I figured out somehow" Lucas said and kicked Cleo in his face while still holding his knee
"Urgh!!" Cleo shouted in pain, he tried to stand up but he fell again after Lucas pulled his knee
"I am not planning to let go of this knee, isn't romantic?" Lucas asked while gently smiling. He then punched Cleo in his solar plexus to stop him from moving
"H-How..!!" Cleo uttered. He tried to attack again but Lucas quickly made his next move, stomping on Cleo's stomach again and again
"Stop..! Stop!!" Cleo shouted and clicked his fingers, teleporting him behind a teammate
"Move!" he shouted but is hit by the end of Enya's sword
"How did this bastard got here?" Enya asks and kicks the teammate she's supposed to focus on
Cleo breathes heavily and teleported once again, he's in another teammates back, the one who is fighting Mikhael. Cleo almost fall and suddenly touched Mikhael's chest
"I'm not a girl!!!" Mikhael shouted and slapped Cleo before grabbing his hair
Cleo then became furious and clicked his fingers repeatedly
"Shit...shit..shit!!!" he shouted, he was about to click his fingers one more time but he got caught by Lucas
"Nice teleportation you have, what will happen if I break your fingers?" Lucas said and slowly bends Cleo's fingers
"No or I'll kill you!!" he answered
"You got too cocky and you are immediately defeated, you will never defeat me. I might be the student council president because I'm smart but that doesn't mean I'm not strong" Lucas whispers and breaks Cleo's fingers on his right hand
"AHH!!" Cleo shouted in pain
"Match over! Winner team 13 against team 10" Cherry announced. Lucas looked at the enemy's queen and king, seeing Enya lets go of the king's neck after he lost conciousness and Mikhael hitting the queen on the nape
"What a monster my friends are" he said and lets go of Cleo who is still conscious. Lucas turned his back and was about to leave the area when Cleo chokes his neck
"Fuck you.. Fuck you.. I will kill you for underestimating me!!" Cleo shouted while Lucas is catching his breath
Cherry came forward and punched Cleo's face, that single punch leaves him unconscious
"You are only allowed to fight when you are inside an area and my borders are up" Cherry said while fixing his sleeves button
The first game is over, there is eight teams in total, Team 13, 9, 12, 4, 7, 11, 16 and team 15
30 minutes pased and everyone left is in front of the stage again. Cherry looked at her tablet and spoke
"With the help of other organizers, ranks of every contestants are now place and in the whole game ranks will have bounty. All of you and your teams have 500 from the game 1 and you can level that up by bounty hunting"
"The higher the rank is, the higher the points they will give you. F ranks with 3 points, C ranks with 8 points, A ranks with 10 points, S ranks with 15 points, SSS+ ranks with 50 points"
"However, murder is still strictly not allowed. Those who murders someone will either be also killed or jailed"
Cherry steps aside and the projector turns on, it's the list of the team and it's members, also the members's ranks
"If a member is hunted in every game, the team which that member belongs to will lose points according to that member's rank. Keep being hunted and you will lose the points you have, your team will eventually be eliminated"
"In this game, the one who will be tagged will lose points for their team according to their rank. You can attack or use weapons but if you just touch someone then you will gain the bounty.."
"..Game 2, bounty for tag"