
Chapter 8


The place Navdar resides. A castle standing on it's own, girdled by a union of trees and deviated from the conformity of residing in urban areas and metropolises.

Navdar loved being secluded from the noise of blare's, babels, clangors in the main- city, produced by hustling inhabitants.

But security was a blotch on the serenity and the idea of residing in a girdle of trees, as it's spread neglects going beyond the woods.

Marlo and roldolf, made it out of the Cimmerian woods, they beheld benterrah from afar, a place predestined to be the cure to their life of beggary, and should take-out their reputation as men of menial position in Nirvanah, abjectness runs through his lineage and he inherited it too.

The view of bentarrah, sent an uptick in their inclinations to a life of wealth, Marlo stood cruciform, staring at the glorious castle ahead, he said.

''Behold, our salvation, roldolf.'' He said, in praise.

''How can a mere-castle, be our salvation?.'' Roldolf asked.

''There is a saying that, what makes a man is not his physical appearance, but attitude and that which lays in his heart.'' Marlo said..

''Have you ever been a man in your life?'' Roldolf said.

Marlo had no answer to that, although it wasn't rhetorical.

He heaved his bags unto his shoulders and walked to benterrah, leaving roldolf behind. After minuites of deducing on what to do, he went after his Marlo.

''Wait for me!.'' He screamed at marlo, while scuttling on his tiny foot. trying to catch up with him, a broad exuberance of a servile attitude, he could never wish to displease his master by reneging.

Around they came at benterrah, meandering outside the bailey, they were almost inclined to the walls, to avoid being spotted by guards on the tower, spying around, and wielding bows, to take-out threats at range.

Marlo and Roldolf could be spotted if they walk utterly away from the walls, despite the day was dark, they maintained crouched furtively and staying clingy to the walls.

They crouched to a certain point outside the bailey, almost close to second tower opposite to the first.

''Hand me the ropes, rod.'' Marlo said.

Roldolf climbed on his back, dipped his hands in the wobbly skinned bag, he marauded his hands in the bag.



''Ropes, got it,''.

He brought the ropes, and handed it to marlo, marlo crouching, swung the rope in a swirly motion. Up he flung it to the reach of the walls, he supported the rope with enchantments, cause it's impossible for it to reach the top of the walls.

''Le-le I luga maea.''

He said a floating enchantment, the ropes went all the way, to the top of the walls.

''Tautau ai.''

He commanded the rope to cling to the walls.

''You have to climb first roldolf, you won't be spotted easily.''

Without objecting, he did his masters will, he clutched on the ropes with both hands, and wrapped his legs across the rope.

He bolted up. putting in enormous exertion to tackle down gravity.

Marlo stood under him. watching and monitoring each step he took and also, in watch for guards.

Roldolf could now step on the walls, to aid his movement up, he perched his foot on the wall, his body formed to a curly shape, he walked up to the towers while holding firmly unto the rope.

He reached to the top. First, he unwrapped his legs across the ropes and pulled himself up.

Marlo took his turn immediately, he made a replica of the moves roldolf made. It wasn't exact, marlo's moves involved a lot of clambers and sloppy-exertions, his leg had gone wobbly after a long journey on foot.

Fears he wouldn't make it were prevailed over, when he finally took the last step, up, and pulled himself up, into the tower, they were lucky a guard wasn't assign to that watch on that tower.

They moved with feline steps. crouching on tip-toes, like they were with lissome foots.

The mission has become treacherous the more, and needing no overtness in any manner.

communication would be made with mimes and signs, feet kept aloft, and a regulated height becomes a crucial appliance.

They ambulated from the walls into the main- Bailey, to become in the confines of the entire fortification which ran around the castle. from there, they ambulated to the back of the main-building. While maintaining the needful.

They reclined to the walls, to avoid coming into sight with the keep above the main-building, and.

Solitary bastions, situated in the middle of the bailey, was another thing to keep away from. Once more, the ropes came into use, this time, they both climbed the rope without taking turns for it, they pulled themselves up into a strange room.