
Chapter 13

''What do you mean by insane?.'' Kempe's asked, making a grimace on his face.

''I think this thing was designed to elevate itself, once it recognizes the presence of a Wight.'' Genisha said,.

They both stayed stiff, looking up as the room ceaselessly took them up to nowhere.

Genisha fidgeting in fright, kempes's face contoured to a mow.

At a point during the journey up to nowhere, the air in the room seized.

"What's happening"? Kempes said, he couldn't breath any-more, the air in there all went out suddenly, his energy faded slowly, and he became faint.

He sniffed and snorted, trying to catch a breath in any possible way,, but found nothing.

having deprived air for more then five minutes, he slumped.

Genisha beside kempes struggled to keep consciousness. She managed to do that longer than kempes did.