Mohit's POV
Harry got everything I asked for and I saved my number on the phone and gave a missed call to my number to save her number. It was evening and I had to go home.
I opened the door and an amazing aroma hit my nose. I loved coming home since Srusti has come to live in my home. She was a nice girl and an amazing cook.
She smiled at me and asked me what would I have tea or coffee? But I told her that I had it in the office. She nodded and after some time, she gave me Mexican corn on the cob as snacks. It was awesome. Hot, spicy and sweet. Amazing.
" Wow !!! They are so good. Here I got these for you. " I said with a smile and then gave her the shopping bags and the phone.
" Why so many bags?? " She asked.
" You will need them. "
" One pair of footwear and one bag was enough. "
" Let's not argue, please... Here is your phone. I have saved my number in it."
" Mohit Ji, you didn't need to bye such an expensive phone for me. "
" Please Srusti, you would be my wife, my family would expect this. In fact, they would buy many more things for you. Please it is ok... Don't feel awkward about them. " I said and she looked more guilty.
" Say something?? "
" I have never lied to anyone, I feel as if I am cheating those lovely people. "
" Listen, dear, you are not doing any such thing, I am doing it. They are my family, I know how to handle them. I made this plan, as I wanted my daadi and mom to take treatment and be absolutely fine. It was like a cure for them, So please don't feel guilty as you are helping them. " She gave me a faint smile and went back to the kitchen.
I went to my room to relax for some time. In about half an hour, she knocked on my door.
" Dinner is ready... " She said and I nodded and followed her out.
She was unusually quiet today. The food was awesome as usual. We finished it and I told her to pack her bags. I gave her one stroller too.
" You can call me whenever you want. If you need anything, if you want to know anything or if you feel guilty, please talk to me. "
She nodded and started doing it. And I came to my room.
It was morning and after breakfast, we both went to my parent's house.
My mother was already discharged from the hospital and was waiting for me to drop Srusti at their place. Daadi would be discharged soon, Maya and Viraj had gone to get her discharged. Dad was back and came out of his room to meet us.
He hugged me and caressed Srusti's head when she touched his feet and said, " God bless you, beta. Be happy. "
" So, you finally, found a nice girl. Your mom has been talking about Srusti since she came home. I wanted to meet her. She seems to be a very nice girl. I am happy for both of you. " He said. I was happy that everyone was satisfied.
I took my leave and went to my office.
I sent the pictures to Maya to select whatever they wanted.
I worked for the whole day. Srusti had called up to ask me to come for lunch or send someone so that she could send it to me. I sent someone home. She sent me very tasty food. All the things were my favourite. It seems mom told her about my favourite dishes in detail. Life seemed to be coming back to track on this front.
I was missing Manu and Robin. So I called Manu first. She was happy to hear from me. But she was super busy with her twin dolls. We chatted for some time. I asked about Sahil, she told me that he was making Sanya sleep.
I had planned to ask him to come out for an outing as Manu was busy. But then I dropped the idea as he seemed to be busy too. I called Robin too but he was working on a tune. His assistant picked up the call and said, " Robin sir is busy in recording, sir. I will inform him, He would call you back. " I ended the call. I was not in a mood to go to my parent's place so I went to my penthouse.
I opened the door and found my home very cold and empty. The aroma of the freshly cooked food was absent today. It has been just 3-4 days since those aromas started welcoming me, but I missed it today.
I ordered some Chinese food and l started my TV to watch some good movie on Netflix. I started a science fiction but my mind was not in it. I didn't feel like eating it too.
I wanted to talk to Robin about this wedding. But he was too busy to talk to me. I didn't even know, how was he going to react to this news.
I still remember once he had come to meet me at my parent's place around 4 years back as I was staying with them at that time because my daadi was not well and she wanted me to be there. That day my mom asked him to have dinner with us.
Someone my dad knew, called up and suggested a girl for me, while Robin was also there. The look on his face was of sheer disgust.
I refused to even see the girl at that minute only. I saw him getting relieved but then mom really started pestering me to meet the girl at least once. She even requested Robin to put some sense in me and convince me.
He gave a faint constipated smile, excused himself and left the table immediately. I went after him but he was very annoyed with me for not accepting in front of my parents about my sexual preferences and my attraction towards him.
I tried to make him understand that my parents would not understand it. They would not accept this relationship as it would be like a sin to them. But he was not ready to listen.
He was also right in his place. After all, it was our lives and we should have a right to choose whom to love and live happily ever after.
I guess I could not make both him or my family understand that there was a lot of difference in the thinking of my family and us. They could not even imagine that I was in a relationship with another man.
The only option was to do a fake marriage and let my family be happy that they have a nice and beautiful daughter-in-law. And Both I and my wife could live in an open marriage with discretion obviously.
I tried to make him understand but I was not sure if he understood or not. He was irritated and annoyed. I had to calm him so I took him on a long holiday abroad and we had a blissful time there.
We had made it clear, in the beginning, that we would not go exclusive with each other and I knew he had other lovers too. But still, he was a bit possessive about me.
He being a bisexual too had relationships with both men and women. But just like me, he was more interested in men.
I had to make him understand from time to time that our society would not accept this relationship with open arms. We have to be discreet about it.
Even his own very progressive family wanted him to get married to a girl and be discreet about his relationship with other men. But he was adamant that why should he do it...
I had no inhibitions about what people or society think or say about me but I loved my family like anything and I wanted them to be happy. I was feeling bad about deceiving my family too.
I could not give a shock to my God-fearing family. If they ever get to know about my sexual orientation, they would kill me first and then would hang themselves.
My father had always been very strict but loving. He was a man of few words, a no-nonsense type of man. He has been a one-woman man and expects nothing less from me.
He would not even tolerate my polygamous behaviour... and if by any chance, he comes to know about me being a bisexual, he would shoot me between eyes.
I didn't know how would Robin react to the news of me getting married... But because of my family, I needed to do this marriage with a girl.
My daadi had a heart attack, just because someone mentioned that I might be a homosexual. Even my mom was on the verge of having the attack. I wouldn't tell anything about this marriage to Robin for now...
I couldn't take a risk... he was too impulsive. He could create a big scene.