Mohit's POV
I was about to leave when Harry came to my cabin.
" Yes, Harry?? "
" Sir, Srusti forgot one of her bags here. She left all of a sudden... "
" Give it to me. " I said.
" Ok, sir... "
" Harry, I don't like you calling her by her name. I am giving you a first and last warning. Call her ma'am. Understand ?? "
" Ma'am ?? But sir she is an assistant to Manyata ma'am... I even call Sonia as Sonia. "
" I don't care what you call Sonia... "
" But they both hold the same position in the office. "
" Srusti holds a special position. Please call her ma'am. "
" I am sorry sir... I did not understand. Why is Sru... Ms Mehra..." He was speaking but I cut his sentence.
" Ms Mehra, is actually Mrs Paul, Harry. She is Mrs Srusti Mohit Paul. My wife. "
" What ?? Oh my God!!! Your wife??? When did that happen?? "