
My cell phone rings, I never get a break. I answer it quickly, the people I deal with are impatient assholes. "Lexa Belle?"

I hear an unfamiliar voice from the other side, "I was given your number from a mutual friend, I need your services."

"Who was the friend? I am unfamiliar with your number and I don't like strangers."

"Oh Yeah, I am sorry, they told me I needed to identify myself and give you my name first. I apologize, I have never needed anybody's help but my own. This is new to me. My name is Branton James. I was given your name by Sam and Jonas Williams, ma'am." He said quickly.

"Meet me in an hour, I will text you the address. Do not be late and do not assume because I am meeting you that I will agree to take the job. I am only agreeing to a meeting" I hang up not waiting for his response. I quickly text him the address of my security agency then shoot a quick text to my business partner and best friend Donya. I always have her with me for first time meet ups, no matter who sent them to me. She has been my best friend since I was 8. My dad was the best assassin for hire in the United States along with being a personal bodyguard to a powerful mafia family. My dad trained me to be an assassin since I could walk when I met Donya, he started training her as well. I chose to work for my dad when I finished high school but she chose to go to college. Three years ago my father became another assassins job and he was taken from me. I was lost and did not know where to turn so I went to my best friends dorm room and together we changed our lives.


I am close to tears as I pull up to Donya's dorm. I won't cry. I can't. I get out and trudge to her dorm door and knock.

"Come in" I hear Donya's voice yell from inside.

I open the door and launch myself at her.


"What honey? Your not making sense. Did you say your dad is dead?"

"YES!" I yell.

She takes my hands and guides me to the bed and speaks calmly, " Ok Hun, breath for me for a second then gather yourself and explain."

I take a deep breath.

"Where is your roommate?" I ask before getting into the story.

" My roommate left school, we are safe to talk freely."

"Dad was killed, The Bowen brothers put a hit out on him. What do I do now?"

" Lexa, it is the nature of what you do. Do you like killing for money, not knowing whether they deserve it or not?" she asks me carefully, almost as if she is scared of my reaction.

" Donya, it is what I was trained to do, it is who I am."

" No Lexa, it is who your dad was. You only followed his lead. Who protects the truly innocent people from people like you?"


"What have you never wondered if the people you are sent to kill, actually deserve to die?"

I ponder her question before I answer, "Yes, of course I do, but I was taught not to think about that, just do what I am ordered. There is no place in my world for those thoughts. They would make me hesitate and hesitation gets you killed."

She looks me in my eyes and decisively says, " I think it is time for us to flip your script. How much money do you have?"

"Between my bank account and what my dad left behind, I have enough money for my next 3 generations to live very well and never have to work again. What are you getting at?"

"Lex, you are one of the most dangerous women alive. I think we should start a security agency. I leave college, we find an office building and start protecting the innocent from people like you, your dad and much worse."

"Ok Don, I'll bite, but who in their right mind would hire women to be their bodyguard?"

"It's simple" she says, "I video you training, sparring, shooting, and knife throwing. I build a website and post it on the dark web."

"Don, we can't post my face to the dark web, I would be recognized."

She gives me a small smirk and says, " I will be the face of the agency. Your face will always be covered. I meet with the clients first and do their background checks. You do you, and I will be your back up."

END OF FLASHBACK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We have built quite the reputation since then. I once got a call from someone that needed a bodyguard but wanted me to pose as his date to maintain his superiority complex. I took the job and he turned out to be a member of a powerful mafia family. A rival family wanted to eliminate him because he was next in line to take the crown of his family's mafia. I took out the assassin discreetly and without any suspicion. Word got around.

You may think mafia takes care of their own problems, I did, but come to find out there is more politics in the criminal underworld than there are in Washington DC.

We now have a staff of 3 men and 2 women that do the bodyguard gigs. I now focus on the special jobs. I only take male clients that are under immediate threat of death. I pose as their girlfriend, arm candy if you will. I go everywhere with them and live in their home so, to the outside world, I am the flavor of the week. I do not have sex with clients, I am definitely not that kind of girl. I am 25 and I have had only one sexual partner. He was my boyfriend, I met him at work, he was one of the bodyguards we employ. We were together for 3 years, the dumbass cheated on me. He is no longer employed, well or breathing. Hey, he knew who I was, what I do, and what I was capable of so in reality he was a security threat to me and really, did I mention stupid? Anyway back to my clients. The client and I live in this little act until the threat makes a move, I then either detain or eliminate the threat, whichever the situation calls for. I have a cleaner team if elimination is necessary, torture chambers and cells if information is needed and I know how to play the cops when legal detention is due. The clientele we serve consists of athletes, celebrities, mafia, and CEO'S of multi billion dollar corporations. I have several identities and change my appearance when warranted, though I have one mafia family I work closely with and knows my true identity. The Williams Family mafia. They are the number 2 mafia in the world in the Mafia Hierarchy. They control all mafia dealings in the United States. My dad was their personal assassin, bodyguard and friend. They are in the small group of people I allow in. I consider them family. Now you know.