Chapter 10

It is now after lunch time so I call for Jonas knowing he is working with the surveillance team today, "Hey Jonas, get our table at the China Buffet ready for all of us that worked today, say in 10 minutes?"

I hear Jonas say it would be ready. I hear the other voices in my ear saying they will be there. Me and Branton get to my car as my phone rings. I look at the screen and recognize the number, David. I tell everyone to keep their ears on and I answer the phone, putting it on speaker.

*****PHONE CALL*****

ME: "yeah, what now?"

DAVID: "TSK,TSK Lexa, a woman of your stature should answer the phone with ore dignity."

ME: "Well, I guess you know about me now but if you are so knowledgeable about me, you also should be familiar with the fact I don't give a damn. I am bored and annoyed with this conversation already. Is there a reason you called?"

DAVID: "I called because I chose to. I do what I want and get what I want."

ME: "You must be bored since I broke your jack off hand. How is that going for you anyway? Are you having difficulty adapting? Just think of it like your getting some strange, you will be fine."

DAVID: "You will be mine. I will break you then I will share you with my brother."

ME: "I am going to have to give that a hard pass there Chief short stick but I have an idea. Why don't you just leave me out of your equation? You and your brother can just entertain each other, just relax your muscles, they say it only hurts for a second. You do not want to keep coming after me it will not end well"

DAVID: "Bitch, I am going to enjoy you choking on my cock."

ME: "Dude, a baby kitten couldn't choke on your cock, anyway I am passed the point of bored with this conversation and I am now to the, you can fuck right off point, so see ya."

I end the call and let the snickers die down before speaking again, "Ok, now back to the task at hand, lunch. I will see you guys at the restaurant I am going off communications now."

I take out my earwig and get in the car Branton takes out his and takes mine from me and locks them in the console and I drive off. We get to the restaurant and we see eight team members waiting for us. We get out and greet everyone Jonas walks ahead of us and everyone follows. The Williams mafia owns and operates this restaurant so if trouble follows us here, we are covered. We get inside and are led to a long table at the back corner. It is the table we always use here, we have a full view of all possible entrance points and is away from all windows. We give our drink orders to the server and she scurries away.

We all go get our plates loaded down then sit back down at the table. Branton looks at me and asks, ' Where did the knife come from?"

"I keep one attached inside each sleeve of my jacket with Velcro. They come in handy sometimes."

One of the Williams security team, I think his name is Jason, speaks up, "Hey Lexa, I got your knife back out of the dead dude. It is a nice knife I figured you would want it back. I already cleaned it for you." He gets up, walks over and hands it to me but then continues to stand there like he has something else to say.

"Is there something else, Jason?" Branton asks him flatly.

He flicks his eyes to Branton then back at me and starts to say something. I feel Branton tense but he stays silent. I hope, to all that is holy, that this poor boy does not ask me out like I think he might. Branton is a typical alpha male type, relationship or not, he has made his growing feelings for me clear so this could get ugly quick. I look up at Jason getting ready to react whatever he will finally say but Donya, ever my partner, interjects in a warning tone.

"Jason, just don't. You need to go sit back down. I am privy to enough information to know that you have zero chance but you have a 99.9 percent probability of getting beat half to death by someone at this table if you finish what you were going to say." He looks at her swallows hard then goes back to his chair quickly and I feel Branton relax.

Jonas breaks the silence, " So have eliminated two assassins now, I call that progress, right?"

Everyone chuckles and we resume eating with light chatter. We are just finishing our meals when I feel Branton stiffen next to me. I look up at him then I follow his line of sight and see David and Rocco just walking in coming toward our table. The table goes silent then slight shuffling is heard as everyone at the table snaps into defense mode and a few guards pulls their guns to their laps as the Bowen brothers stops in front of us.

David stands there as Rocco eyes every person seated at our table then makes eye contact with me and says, " It is time for you come with us, or else."

I sneer at him. "Or else what exactly? I get to redecorate the room with your blood? Are you seriously this stupid? You walk into a Williams Mafia restaurant full of their top level guards and family members to demand one of their closest allies to come with you. I gave you more credit. You are taking all the fun out of this."

Donya is the closest to him and I assume he thinks she is the weakest so he grabs her up roughly. I almost laugh when Donya rolls her eyes. He pulls out his gun and puts it to her head, I see the corners of her mouth tilt upward and she cocks her eyebrow at me and I shrug and give her a go ahead gesture with my hand. I look at Rocco and said, "You shouldn't have done that."

She throws her elbow back nailing him in the throat then grabs his balls, squeezes and twists. Emo kicks the gun from his hand then punches him knocking him out. David uses the distraction to come running at me but doesn't even come close to touching me. Branton jumps up, puts both hands on his chair for leverage and drop kicks him in the head. David drops instantly, he is either knocked out or dead. I walk over to check his pulse and find him still among the living.

" We need to keep them alive." Jonas commands.

I know enough not to question a command so I check both brothers quickly for life threatening injuries and find none. We all work together to get them secured before they wake up. The next thing we see is four Williams guards walk in followed by Sam. Sam looks at me and gives me a soft smile before he talks directly to me and Branton.

"Lex, Baby girl, I know every instinct inside of you is saying to kill them right now and be done with it but we can't do that yet. We are going to lock them up, probably rough them up, but essentially we expect that someone will help them escape. We have cameras covering every inch of the property and all surrounding roads. Donya and Emo have set up motion sensitive audio recorders everywhere including the cells. We need to know who is betraying us and we need to know now. I will reveal more when I can. I need you to be ok with this." He says almost pleadingly.

I look up at Branton then back at Sam and give him a firm nod, "Sam, I know that you do everything for a reason and I would never interfere with your business just as you have never interfered with mine."

Branton nods in agreement and adds, "I trust you with my life, Sam. What you say goes."

"I do not want you to misunderstand. These two will die when the time comes. I just need them as pawns for now. You and Branton are a significant players in a game you both were destined to win. I know you have no idea what I am talking about but I need you to trust me. I just hope when I explain it all to you both that you will be able to accept it all." He adds

I look at him with a thousand thoughts swirling but I love and respect Sam as if he was my own family, I always have, so I say to him all that needs to be said, "Sam, the only thing you owe me is your love and respect. I have questions but I know you will give answers when the time is right and not a moment before. I am ok with that."

Sam flashes a relieved smile my way and we nod in mutual understanding before he turns and heads off in the same direction the guards led the brothers as Jonas follows.

I turn back to our group, well the ones that didn't leave with Sam and Jonas ,"Guys, this has been an eventful day so far, how about we take the rest of the day off."

Everyone filters out leaving just me, Branton, Emo, and Donya, Donya looks over at me and says, "Me and Emo are still staying in the tech room at the mansion. We need to get all the surveillance going. We have to assume the escape can come anytime after they are left alone in their cells."

I nod, ' Me and Branton are going home for the rest of the day if you guys need me let me know, if not we will be at the mansion first thing tomorrow."

We hug and go our separate ways. I throw my keys to Branton.

He looks at me confused. "Do you want me to drive home?"

I nod at him, "Yes please, my head is all over the place. I'll keep watch to make sure we are not followed I just need to think a minute."

He nods at me, we walk to the car and get in. I scan or surroundings as we ride home in silence both lost our thoughts, both trying to find our own meaning to Sam's words. I don't like the feeling of knowing I am not seeing the whole picture, my whole life has always depended on being several steps ahead. The words Sam said to me and Branton replay in my head repeatedly looking for the hidden answers to all my questions but still finding none.

Maybe tomorrow we will get more of the puzzle.