Chapter 15

We walk out and ask a maid where everyone is at and she points us back to the library. We walk in and Branton sits at the table and I grab us two bottles waters from the mini fridge before sitting beside him. I take off the lid and take a drink as I see everyone smirking in our general direction but nobody saying anything.

Finally I have enough of the weirdness and say, "ok, what is going on?"

Everyone snickers but only Emo can find words to say, " Nothing is going on with us but we are just wondering why it took you two an hour to come out AFTER your tailors and jewelers left."

"Oh, we were talking, reliving old memories and such." I answer quickly.

Donya raises an eyebrow and studies me for a moment before saying, "the last time you saw him before taking his case, you were five. I would say judging by the hickey on your neck, you made a few new ones as well."