A i d e n C h r i s t e n s e n

F l a s h b a c k S t a r t s


Mia: Hello...

Me: *whispers* Get down here, I'm outside of your house, right now.

Mia: What???!! Really?

Me: *chuckles* Yup, quick before someone saw me. I'll wait for you behind the gate.

*hangs up*

O'Brien's mansion is so huge. Even my family couldn't afford this kind of house. I waited for her behind of the tall fence far from the main gate so the security wouldn't see me.

Whoa...It's really cold.

"Aiden???" Mia carefully called for my name behind of the tall fence in front of me. "Are you there?"

"Yeah..*pants*....I'm over here," I answered her while climbing the fence in this very chilling temperature. "Wait a sec!"

I was on the top of the fence when I saw Mia was in her cardigan with her hair tied into sexy-looking ponytail.


Man, this is high.

*Mia laughs*

"Careful, Aiden," she reminded me as I was about to jump off from the tall fence.
