My mom wrote the same words on a piece of paper instead of apologizing for leaving me she told me why and wrote these words.
Then I remembered I am here because of myself no one helped me I stood up on my legs by myself and now I can gain my confidence with the help of myself!!
I said:" yeah I am a girl with a disorder but at least I am not a spoiled brat like you." Everyone started laughing at her she said:" at least I am here with my own money not like you needed someone to pay for me. I said:" first your not here by your own money you hereby daddy's money and I got here with pure talent, not by money." Everyone was like offf roasted.
Then I turned my back on her and went to my room. For the first time, I felt that I was talking that this is me. Jake and lily ran after me:" I felt really bad that I didn't tell him I said:" I didn't tell you because I thought you were gonna leave me like everyone I am sorry and I understand if you wanna break up.
He said what, what are you talking about of course I am mad cause you didn't tell me, but I am never leaving you because I fell in love. I apologized to lily and she said your my sister and I am never leaving you.
I started crying and hugged both of them. That was the first time in my whole life I felt safe, I felt loved by someone.
Days went by and I felt more in love with jake and my relationship with him grew and grew and when we were together one day sitting he said: "you know you need to choose the last name or you will get expelled."
I said: "I know, but I do not know what can I choose this is hard for me and I do not know what to do."
He suddenly got off the trunk we were sitting on and said: "then have my last name." I said: "what?!." He said: "I love you and I can not live without you or live to see you getting killed by your inner voices so let us get married. I am twenty and you are seventeen, but can take the acceptance from the orphanage so it is legal."
I cried and then he came near me, took me softly by my chin, and said: "hey hey do not cry we are gonna get over this together."
I said: "why none want me jake am I that ugly." He said: "no one wants you because they know your beautiful and stunning and unique and are just jealous of you my love." He wiped my tears and hugged me.
He then said: "what about the marriage now." I said: "okay I am with you because from the day I met you I knew you are the only one for me now and forever."