Ms. Dufron

When we went to the plane, Jake said: "why did you talk to him." I said: "do you mean Noah." He said: "yeah I do not care." I said: "calm down do not you trust me he is just a friend of course I am not gonna kick him away for talking to me."

Jake said: "I am sorry for shouting I was just a bit...." I said: "jealous." He said: "yeah." I forgave him and sat down next to him.

The flight was two hours and I was a bit tired .we ate a lot of chocolate and had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

I said: "Jake we need to stop eating we are gonna get so fat." He said: "no we are perfect the way we are so what if we got fat and I will love you with my fat heart."

I laughed and then looked through the window and when I saw the beauty in the world and how I felt free in the sky. I knew that I need to stay free forever and will never go back to putting myself in jail in any room I go to.