Even through the bathing unit, the bunk quarters, the passenger cabin, and down the hall, murmuring echoed. It reverberated. Relda pressed her ear against the frigid bathing unit wall.
"Transmission to Dad," Raylay commanded something, probably the viewing screen, if Relda had to take a wild guess.
"Dad," Raylay continued. "We've got the creature - the one who stole the medal from the temple."
"Did you get the medal?" His father questioned; there was a tinniness to his voice. "Or did Fleet 3 get it?"
Raylay drew a shaky breath and said, "We had it in sight. Fleet 3 got in ahead."
"I see."
Relda gnashed her teeth and clenched her fists.
"So, is all good?" Raylay's father questioned. "You're all coming back now?"
"I'm coming back," Raylay said. "Ty is coming back. Ozla - well, Ozla got killed by the Fleet 3 crew."