Soon Lek was a distant figure in hindsight. The corridor ended at yet another code-locked entrance. Brekken deployed the hunt-and-peck method to enter N377A.
Why do you care? Relda scolded her mind. Can’t use it anyway.
One door split open in the middle, revealing a second that copied the movement. At least, it seemed that way.
“Go in,” Brekken snapped, gesturing with his blaster to somewhere past the doors.
Blankets and thin, flat pillows padded raised sections of floor. Well, “padded” was a bit of a stretch.
Relda selected a bed. Raylay took the opposite side. Relda was satisfied with that arrangement. This way, she could scowl all she wanted. He threw his hands up. His face turned a reddish pink.
“I don’t need to say it,” she started off, “but I’m going to.”
He averted his face.
“I thought the Triune’s Code Book says not to bear witness,” she added.
“Not what that means,” Raylay snapped in defense. “That’s only if it was a lie.”