Chapter 8
Alain Garnier and his men approached at top speed the savannah grounds where the aduar was located. They were led by the native sent by Farrah to call them back, who was already at the limit of his strength. Seeing at a distance a thin column of smoke rising above the treetops struck them. Alain and Djamba readied their guns and the four manyemas waved their spears getting prepared for a defensive action.
“Lieutenant, I do not like this silence.” Whispered premonitorily Djamba.” There is no battle being waged now.”
“I'm afraid we've come too late.” Answered the chief feeling a knot in his stomach.
As they approached further and looked at the plain where the aduar was placed the outlook was bleak. Several native kibandas were sadly burning in the clear African morning. Many Arab tents were also torn and emptied. A large number of bodies were laying in the ground covered by white cloth. The native who accompanied them explained those corpses belonged to the boma inhabitants dead in the fight. Another great mass of bodies had been stacked and burned in a huge bonfire, certainly the one producing the smoke they had detected from afar.
“There are hundreds dumped there.” Said gloomily Djamba.
One of the manyemas who had returned from the aduar returned visibly upset with news.
“It was an attack led by the Bedouin called Ahmed directing hundreds of Kamba warriors from the north.” Explained in his basic language. “ The Kamba chief died in the attack.”
The man remained in silence.
“Go on! What else?” Urged Alain.
“The girl named Farrah has been kidnapped by the traitor Ahmed, who killed her mother Alina and wounded Fadilah, Farrah´s servant.”
Although the news was not totally unexpected Alain collapsed emotionally and felt a momentary giddiness. Djamba held him by his arm.
“Thanks Djamba. I'm fine. What is known about Farrah?”
“She was taken by Ahmed and the remaining Kambas as they fled.”
Alain moved resolutely and wandered among the villagers who were trying to extinguish the fires in their dwellings and put the wounded and their remaining possessions at safe; then he spotted Abdullah sitting on some logs a hundred paces away and walked toward him. The Sheik was emaciated and looked many years older. Seeing the Nasrani reaching he said with fury.
“I'll live only for revenge.”
Understanding the emotional situation Garnier squatted next to the Sheikh, placed a hand on his arm and said with empathy.
“Abdullah, I understand your feelings. I will work with you in whatever it takes. Count on me and my men.”
“What can a tree prospector do?”
“Abdullah, what I'm going to trust you now you must keep exclusively to yourself because otherwise my neck will be in danger. I am French colonial army lieutenant and one of my men is a sergeant. We have participated in many battles in Africa and are not afraid to enter action.”
Abdullah raised his bloodshot eyes toward the Nasrani, surprised by the confession.
“Even so, what you can do? They have taken my daughter. These scoundrels will soon send an emissary to offer exchange her for my gold and ivory. I'd be happy to do it but that does not guarantee her return, because Ahmed wants Farrah for himself.”
“We'll be ready when that emissary appears.”
“What will you do then?”
“Discreetly follow him, and when we know where Farrah is we will proceed with her “extraction”.”
“When they see my warriors appear they will kill her. Ahmed will never return Farrah to me. He wants to keep her as a concubine.”
“We're not going to go with your warriors. We must form a small command group, no more than three people. Djamba will surely accompany me and we work very well together. Do you have a man in whom you can completely trust?”
“Faisal. His beloved Fadilah lies badly injured by the traitor.”
“Bring him in.”
The silhouettes of the rider on his horse appeared blurred on the savannah shaken by a morning wind. The sentries placed by Abdullah beside the path leading north let him pass without leaving their hiding places. An echo of sounds imitating birds carried the news to the aduar. When the man approached the Sheik told Alain, who was at his side.
“It's Moustafá, one of Ahmed´s men. A miserable traitor.”
“I will hide my men, they must not know that I have returned. The less information they have the better. Control your impulses. This man must leave the aduar alive.”
“Do not forget that you are talking to a born negotiator.”
Abdullah and the man called Moustafá stayed alone for several hours after which the man mounted his horse and left slowly. Djamba, a skilled horseman, followed him invisibly. The man turned frequently around to check if he was being followed until he gained confidence in his situation.
Alain approached Abdullah and questioned him about the dealings with Moustafá.
“As I imagined they want my gold and ivory. That bastard Ahmed spent many years with us and knows exactly what I have.”
“And what will you do?”
“ I would give him what he wants without hesitation, but I have no confidence that he will give me Farrah back because he is infatuated with her. Moustafá swears that she has not yet been raped.”
“How are you supposed to deliver the ivory and gold?”
“I must prepare a caravan of natives to transport the ivory. The tribal chief, a man of my confidence will take the gold. My Arabs must not accompany them as an escort. Ahmed does not want to take any more risks.”
“Well, Faisal and I will now depart to join Djamba.”
Abdullah stood, raised his right hand to reach Alain´s left shoulder and solemnly said.
“Tawak kalto ul Allah. Then go with my blessings. May Allah protect you and guide your steps.”