Colonel Huang added, before closing the session.
"It is unnecessary to tell you that everything discussed at this meeting is absolutely confidential. The seriousness of the possible consequences of the action of the subversive elements demands all our attention and dedication.”
While the other participants were leaving Chang approached Lian and told her.
"Stay with me in my office for a moment.”
After dismissing the rest of his colleagues Huang closed the office door and tenderly embraced the woman and said.
“Dear child. You have no idea how pleased I am with this news.”
"Of which you are partly responsible." Lian smiled.
"I have somehow helped, but your courage was what triggered this whole process. Sit down.”
"Your new post will be based in Lanzhou, a city you know well. What worries me is how you're going to manage your tasks with your pregnancy being alone there.”
The woman made a gesture of relief as she met her next destination.