Episode 20. Introductions

Tomo let out a sigh as he checked the time. He was more exhausted than when he worked at the café, but his shift had been considerably shorter. He could only assume he didn’t feel as comfortable when someone likely judged him.

Even if most of the boys wore dresses, he couldn’t get over the feeling everyone judged him for his androgyne appearance. He couldn’t help but wonder if anyone else in his class might feel similarly — he knew Yuu was very conscious of wearing the outfit while Tatsumi and Susumu thought it fun.

Susumu even got himself a pair of low-heeled shoes, ‘since he could’.

Tomo couldn’t say if they were supportive or just messing around, but since they didn’t make fun of anyone, and enjoyed themselves, he didn’t think there was any reason to make any difference.

He threw another look at his phone that lit up, showing the time again. He pulled the hair tie out of his hair just as the door opened.

“Momoi, I’m here to switch with you! Must be nice to be off for the rest of the festival!”

“Well, since my senpai and boss from work are here, they’ll start complaining about how I did as soon as I step out of this classroom, so I think it’s going to get worse from now on.” His classmate laughed, but he was serious. “Good luck.”

“Same to you.”

Tomo left the classroom through the rear door since they used the front as the entrance and exit for customers. He had barely stepped out of the classroom when he felt someone grab his wrist. He turned and saw Chika look furious.

“Is Kenta here?”


“Damn. Some girl is saying he attacked her.”

“Chii-chan! Wait! What are you doing?” Sayoko came after her. “It must be a mistake!”

Tomo started pulling Chika along to the back of the school. Sayoko followed them.

“You’re an idiot, Chika.”


“Haven’t you known Ken your entire life?” Tomo began counting on his fingers. “‘One. I’ll hang out with you, and we can call it dates, but we’re not a couple. Two. If you’re serious about me, you’re out. Three. If you expect to be my girlfriend, you’re out. I will only go out on dates with you during our arrangement. Four. If you think I owe you anything, you’re out. Five. If you’re in a relationship, you’re out. Six. If you lie, you’re out. Seven. If you use me, you’re out. Eight. If you think I’d use you, you’re out. Nine. Respect my boundaries, physical or otherwise. If you cannot do that, you’re out. Ten. We can end the arrangement at any time, in person or through messages. All rules apply to me too.’”

“What? What are those about?”

“Chika, those are Kenta’s rules. You must follow those rules to go on dates with him. Even just a first one. It’s a contract you absolutely have to follow,” Sayoko explained. “He wouldn’t ‘attack’ someone. He doesn’t even touch a girl unless she has said it’s alright. I don’t think he’d even try unless asked if he’d want to, and he might say no, regardless. He’s extremely respectful of boundaries. Sure, he doesn’t pay for anyone other than himself, but that’s his only flaw.”

Tomo couldn’t agree it was his only flaw, but it wasn’t the time to list all his flaws when Sayoko was trying to clear his name.

“All she said was that it was ‘Yamada’s spot’ but most girls don’t even get to go there, so even if there are rumours about it, few know where it is. The only time I was there, we just had a long chat.”

“That’s why you said that...” Tomo thought out loud. She had thought Ken wouldn’t be there because he was in a serious relationship and hence wouldn’t ‘go out’ with anyone.

“Said what?” Chika wondered. “Wait, Kyou, you’ve been to his spot?”

It was rare for Chika to change to calling him what Shouji called him. It usually meant she was livid. The anger she had shown when she heard he had to rewrite his story paled in comparison.

He swallowed.

“Of course he has,” Sayoko said. “If Kenta has a spot, he can spend time alone with Tomo at school, it makes sense he’d use it. Wouldn’t you too if you had a relationship you couldn’t talk about?”

Chika looked away. She had one, and she had tried. She probably also didn’t know it was in Ken’s spot, just that Ken had found them. He hadn’t been with a girl when he found Handa and Chika. Handa likely knew if he had heard of the rumoured ‘spot’.

“Besides,” Tomo said, “he stopped by my class shortly after ten and then Saku-chan dragged him out of there because he works backstage for the drama club’s play at half past twelve.”

“Huh?” Chika asked.

“He was in my class until Saku-chan dragged him out. He was with a senpai from work and his partner. Kouta came shortly after saying it was ridiculous to see Ken being pulled into the gym.”

“Wait, he’s been at your class’ café?”

“Yeah. Until it was close to twelve. The drama club had to meet up to prepare at eleven forty-five, so Saku-chan came to get him.”

“Sayoko, how long would it take from Tomo’s class to Kenta’s ‘spot’?”

Tomo tilted his head. “Considering the amount of people and avoiding being seen, it’d probably take an hour.”

“Maybe an hour and a half. Kenta would hate it if someone from the outside knew about it.”

“Adachi knows about it, though. He almost caught me with Ken twice.”

“Adachi probably just wants that spot.”

“Ken seems to think so too.”

“Wait, Chika! Where are you going now?”

There was no reply as Chika ran off.

Sayoko sighed. “If she gets suspended from school, it’s going to affect her chances for university.”

“She might be better off actually seeing the consequences of her hot-bloodedness,” Tomo pointed out. “Wanna meet my senpai from work and Yuu’s older brother, and try to get to the gym to watch Ken’s hard work? Though we won’t see him because he’s backstage.”

“Doesn’t sound too bad. Any handsome men?”

“Well, senpai and Yuu’s big brother are in a relationship, so I guess we’re left with Kouta…”

“Kenta’s big brother? I’ll take it if he’s even half as good-looking as Kenta.”

“Just so you know you, he’s thirty-three.”

Sayoko laughed. “It’s not like I plan on dating the man, Tomo-chan.”


“Yuu!” Makoto called out and Yuu turned around to see Tomo with Ken, Kouta and Shouji, and Makoto and Fujiki.

“There you are! Mum was looking all over for you. She said you had said you’d be here.”

“Will that be okay? I can leave if you want to.”

Yuu huffed. “I think he should stop being such a coward and just let her know. I think he worries too much.”

Makoto gave them a faint smile. “Arata, you can do as you wish. If you want to say you’re my partner, that’s fine. You can say you’re just a friend too.”

Fujiki sighed. “You’re too conscious about the age difference. It would normally be the least of someone’s worries.”

“Yuusuke, Makoto!”

Tomo saw a woman walk decisively towards them. It was no doubt Yuu’s mother, seeing as she had the same kind of wavy hair and Yuu and Makoto. He had never met Yuu’s parents before, but he saw this would be an opportunity. He tapped Shouji’s arm.

“Shouji, you should talk with Yuu’s mother.”

“Oh, you’re right.”

“Makoto, you should have let me know if you were here already. Yuu said you had visited his class this morning.”

“We went to see the drama club’s play,” Shouji explained. “Sorry to disturb your conversation. I’m Momoi Naomichi. My Tomoki is friends with Yuusuke.”

“Oh, hello! I’m Sakuraba Kasumi. So you were with Yuusuke’s friends. I guess it’s important for you to see who your little brother’s friends are. It would be horrible if he associates with the wrong kind of people.”

Fujiki laughed. “Makoto, you better make sure your brother doesn’t hang out with Kenta.”

“Arata, Ken-kun isn’t horrible.”

“Hey! I’ve been among the top-scorers all three years!” Ken protested. He then cleared his throat and bowed. “Nice to meet you. I’m Yamada Kenta, a third year. I’m a friend of Tomoki’s and have become friends of Yuusuke-kun’s too. And this is my older brother, Fujita Kouta. He has our father’s last name, and my mother’s as our parents are divorced.”

“Ken-chan, I’m not sure you should introduce our family situation while at it,” Kouta sighed. “Sakuraba-san, it’s my pleasure to meet you. My brother has been in your son’s care.”

“I think it’s my son who has been in your brother’s care.”

Tomo watched Fujiki as Kouta, Shouji and Yuu’s mother talked. He seemed to be thinking while trying to find a way to join the conversation. He could see that Makoto had linked his little finger to Fujiki’s probably unsure what would be the best and leaving it to the older man.

“Excuse me,” Fujiki interrupted them. “I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself.”

“Oh!” Yuu’s mother said.

Shouji looked a little tense, likely thinking of possible outcomes, which made sense considering Kouta had the café. It might also be a way for Shouji to figure out if he’d have to worry since Tomo was nonbinary and together with Kenta.

Tomo himself hadn’t had any poor experiences, but his family was very accepting to begin with. Sawa didn’t really care, and Ichirou loved her and the children as they were. And his own father had wanted Tomo and Ken to be a couple. And his friends didn’t mind, but it seemed most Tomo’s age didn’t really care all that much, from what he had gathered while learning more about his class.

But he knew it wasn’t a smooth ride for everyone.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Kasumi-san. I’m Fujiki Arata and I’m a… good friend of Makoto’s.”

Tomo saw Makoto take his boyfriend’s hand and Arata looked at him. Makoto smiled shily, and Fujiki got a gentle expression Tomo had never seen before.

It seemed as they decided then and there.

“Mum, if possible… I’d like to talk to you and dad later. Together with Arata. He’ll head to work now, but…”

Yuu’s mother looked surprised. She looked at Makoto. Then she looked back at Fujiki. Then she smiled.

“I’m sure we can take it once he’s finished for the day.”

Makoto looked embarrassed. “Arata’s… a little older,” he muttered.

Fujiki sighed. “Why do you still worry more about my age than anything else? You make it sound like I’m a middle-aged man. At least just say I’m thirty years old if you’re going to bring that up.”

“But it worries me, Arata… And you’re thirty-one.”

“Of all the things you could worry about, Makoto,” his mother laughed.

Tomo saw the chance to get away from the awkward situation. “Yuu, Ken and I will show Shouji and Kouta around.”

”Sure thing, Momocchi! I’ll see you later for the clean up! Kenta-senpai, I guess I’ll see you around tomorrow or on Monday!”

Tomo bowed to Yuu’s mother and walked towards the main building with Ken by his side and his father and Kouta following them.

“Should we start by looking at the Memories of 3-A?” he suggested.

“That’s not interesting. All pictures of me seem to be with girls.”

Tomo chuckled. “Let me see Ken’s girls.”

Shouji laughed. “Yes, let’s go look at his girls!”


Tomo looked at the photos with great interest. Ken with some girl, Ken with some other girl, Ken with a couple more.

There was one of Ken talking to a boy. The two sat next to each other, wearing shorts and sports jackets. It was taken from an angle which showed Ken’s face well, and perhaps that had been the intention in the first place. They were eating lunch from the looks of it and Ken was holding up his chopsticks, perhaps immersed in the conversation.

The face of the Ken in the photo was slightly more childish than it was of the Ken currently spending time with him, and his hair wasn’t styled to swoop to the side. The red headband was a little crooked. It was actually pretty cute.

He leaned closer to look at the black-haired boy. He looked shorter. About jaw-length hair, partially in a ponytail to get it out of the way. He couldn’t see the face entirely, but he had a guess.

He grinned as he straightened up. “I found Aoki-senpai!”

“Huh? What? There was one with the two of us? Where?”

Tomo laughed and pointed at it. “First or second year?”

Ken leaned closer, looking over Tomo’s shoulder. Tomo held his breath as their cheeks brushed against each other.

He had thought Ken would stand next to him to see, not be so close he couldn’t move away.

Ken took a step closer and though their bodies didn’t touch, Tomo knew just how close they stood.

“Oh! Someone needs to give this one to me. I think it’s from our first year, but Ao knows better.” Ken laughed. “He remembers what his hair was like, I don’t. I wonder if there are any other pictures with the two of us. I have none from high school, but a lot from middle school.”

His voice was so close and Tomo looked away, afraid Ken would notice his racing heart flushing face.


Ken placed his hand on Tomo’s shoulder and reached past him pointing at a photo further down. Being so tall, his chest was pressed against Tomo’s shoulder, making him even more aware of Ken. He threw a glance at Shouji and Kouta but they seemed to notice nothing either. No one seemed to care.

“Tomo, you’re in this picture.”

“Huh?” He quickly turned to look at what Ken saw.

This was supposed to be the third-years.

He didn’t see himself in the picture Ken pointed at.

“I’m not in it?”

Ken pushed him slightly forward while taking a step closer to the wall himself.

“Look in the background,” Ken said softly. “You’re so cute with long hair, but I like the length you have now too.”

Tomo leaned a little closer, his face burning. Ken was right. He could see himself in the behind some girls, with his hair in a ponytail carrying a box.

“What did you do, I wonder? You rarely had your hair up outside of PE.”

He heard Ken smiling, and got the feeling Ken had been the one choosing that photo just in case they would stop by.

“I think we cleaned the club room,” he mumbled.

“I see.”

Ken let go and moved to the side looking at more pictures as if nothing happened, but he gave Tomo a quick look, flashing him a smile.

Tomo pouted and looked the other way, before walking to Shouji and Kouta to ask if they saw something interesting. Like Chika appearing in pictures not from her third year.


“I think I’ll stay out of this one,” Shouji said with a smile. “I’ll just walk straight into every thread and decoration.”

“We don’t want to ruin the haunted house,” Kouta said with a nod. “I’ll wait with you.”

“Are you scared, niisan?” Ken teased and Kouta nodded. “What, really?”

“I’m afraid we’ll end up with a lost child if I leave him.”

“I’m not Sawa.”

“You’re not, but you get bored easily.”

Shouji laughed. “That’s true. And I’m sure there would be someone who thinks I’m a foreigner again.”

“Well, then, I’ll bring Tomo with me then. You two have fun doing nothing.”

Ken gave Tomo a light push and they entered the haunted house one of the second-year-classes had put together.

Tomo blinked for a moment in the dark room and then looked around.

“Your sister would be screaming already,” Ken laughed.

“You think she’s actually dare to go to this floor? They said there were real ghosts.”

“She’s not that stupid is she?”

“She goes to the haunted house during Halloween every year, so she might still be a little scarred.”

Ken took Tomo’s hand and squeezed it Tomo turned, but didn’t see Ken’s expression very well. He turned to look where they were walking.

“She did seem like she got more frightened this year than usual, looking at the posts Sayokocchi and Shouji-nii put up.” Ken pulled him a little closer and whispered. “But you’re not scared are you? No risk of jumping into my arms?”

Tomo pulled his hand to himself and then gave Ken a light punch.

“No. You should have come with a girlfriend.”

“But I don’t have one. And I can’t bring everyone here. Do you realise I would have to do the same thing tens of times if I went with my girls?”

Right then someone jumped out and Tomo flinched, taking a step backward, and felt Ken’s arm around his shoulders.

“What? No scream?”

Ken laughed as he let go of Tomo’s shoulders. “You wanted me to scream?”

“Ah, Kenta-senpai. Welcome.”

“I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to say. Good try. We’ll just continue.”

“Have fun!” the ghost disappeared back into her hiding place while Tomo continued to walk forward with Ken next to him with his heart racing.

He glanced at Ken who smiled at him, only to get hit by something in the face, making Tomo laugh while Ken groaned.

“Maybe we should have skipped the haunted house too,” Ken muttered, and Tomo struggled to not laugh until the next ‘ghost’ appeared.


“Ken do you remember where the football club’s stall is?” Tomo asked as they left the school building into the chilly early November air. Shouji and Kouta had disappeared somewhere while Tomo and Ken had left them, so the two of them were alone.

Ken raised an eyebrow. “I was supposed to remember that?”

“I just asked. I won’t eat anything but I can buy what they sell and give it to you.”

“Tomo, you’re so nice!” Ken laughed. “Any chance you’d pay to raise the Drama Club’s budget?”

“For that play? Never.”

Tomo shivered and regretted not taking his jacket. He wondered why the school didn’t have its cultural festival in October like other schools, but it was perhaps because other schools kept theirs in October. It was difficult to say.

He felt something warm over his shoulders and looked at Ken.

“Don’t worry about me. It’s not so cold I’ll freeze before we’ve got back inside.”

“I don’t need it.”

“I thought I told you not to worry.”

“What if you get sick?”

Ken laughed. “Are you my mother?”

Tomo pressed his lips together and walked away, putting his arms in Ken’s hoodie and zipped it up. It was far too big, but at least it was warm.

Ken quickly caught up and looked amused. They looked around the stalls, Ken looking through what was offered because of some girl or other and shrugging every time. Tomo wanted to find his friends and urged Ken on.

“You’re so excited—”

“No wonder Yamada don’t have any girls anymore.”

Tomo’s heart turned to ice and he realised he held Ken’s hand. He let go in a hurry and bowed to Ken.

“I’m so sorry, senpai!”

“It’s fine. It’s fine. Raise your head, Tomo. You just got excited about things.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah. So let’s just find the football club and then find Shouji-nii and niisan, okay?”

Tomo straightened up again. “Okay. Sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice, since I’m used to being dragged around by girls.”


“Let’s go.”


Ken put his hands in his trouser pockets and Tomo had to try keeping up, instead of Ken keeping to his pace, as usual. Tomo found no comfort wearing Ken’s hoodie either.


“Susumu, Tatsumi!”

“Momo! Senpai too!”

Tatsumi elbowed their friend. “Susumu, that’s wrong. It’s Tomoki-sama, Kenta-sama.”

“But Momo is from the class.”

“It’s fine. I just wanted to show Shouji what we did before we close up for the day.”

“It’s pretty impressive. You did a good job. Unlike Chika’s class, that just did something lazy.”

“Chika would be sad if she heard that, Shouji. You should try to find her. I’ve heard nothing since I saw her earlier today.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right. I should probably see if I need to call for your mother. Ichirou said he’d bring her here tomorrow.”

Shouji left, and Kouta followed him. Ken and Tomo were left standing in the now almost empty classroom. It was close to four when the first day of the festival closed up. Students would have to clean up and prepare for the next day and then repeat the process.

Tatsumi looked at them and then placed himself close to them. “What happened? You two are further apart than normal.”

Tomo laughed awkwardly. “Maybe it just got so crowded we naturally put distance between us. But Ken should probably return to his class now, anyway.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I better leave.”

Tatsumi gave Tomo an odd look as Ken left for his own classroom.


Ken gave Tomo a tight hug.

“Ken, is it really fine to be here?” Tomo whispered.

“None of us have anything to do now. And we did everything worth anything yesterday.”

Tomo couldn’t argue against him. He knew they couldn’t walk around the festival together. Tomo had left right after cleanup, while others stayed. He had said he felt sick and might not come the next day, but Ken had managed to bring him along.

“You realise we won’t be able to leave until it calms down.”

“It should be pretty soon. None of the third years did anything special and the school band will play in about an hour.”

Tomo took Ken’s hands.

“Besides, you look really tired, Tomo. You haven’t slept, have you?”

Tomo tried to turn to look, but Ken was holding him too tightly.

“I did sleep a little. But...”

“They can make whatever rumours they want. I know what the truth is, and that’s all that matters. Girls or no girls, I’ve always had Tomo,” he added and nuzzled his hair.

“I don’t want to ruin your reputation…”

“Which one? The one about me dating every girl in school? That I’m a player?”

“The one that you’re interested in girls. What if you want a girlfriend?”

“Then I must be an idiot, because I already have Tomo. Or maybe you prefer I have a girlfriend.”


“Then worry about what people say about you. Would you be alright if people started saying you were gay again?”

“I’m scared of it.”

“Perhaps you’re like Makoto-san and worry too much about things that really aren’t a problem.”

“I’m not worried about some age difference!”

“Tomo, you know I didn’t mean it like that. Makoto is overthinking things, and so are you. This isn’t middle school. Those who spread rumours are childish. And I think everyone in your class would support you.”

“I don’t know, Ken…”

“So worry about that. If I cared too much I wouldn’t be so close to you at work.”

Tomo chuckled. “I guess you’re right. I think I’ll just try to feel more comfortable with my class. There might be more Abe Rieko-like people and they shouldn’t bring me down.”

“If you feel better, wanna nap?” He felt how Ken held him tighter and nuzzled his hair. “Or do you want to go listen to the band or check out the food stalls?”

He leaned into the safety Ken’s embrace came with. He wished they were at home so they could cuddle in his bed before he fell asleep and then cuddle more when he woke up.

“Thought so,” Ken laughed softly.


Tomo stretched out and yawned as he went back into his classroom. Watanabe was the first person who noticed him.

“Momoi, your parents were looking for you before. Did you see him?”

“No, I missed him. I was napping.”

Susumu looked at the clock. “For four hours?”

“Probably more. Ken woke me up saying the festival was closing.”

“Shouldn’t you have looked around at things?”

“But I checked everything out yesterday.” Tomo grabbed a sheet and started taking it down. “And the final exams start in a couple of weeks.”

He meant he wouldn’t get time to see Ken, though his classmates took it differently.

“Ugh, Momoi, don’t remind me! I haven’t studied anything yet.”

“I think the only one who actually studied during the preparations was Momoi.”

“Maybe we all should have napped instead of looking around. Get some early sleep.”

There was a lot of laughter in the class.

Tomo half-listened as his classmates chatted during the cleanup. But he thought about Ken. Since he would be doing entrance exams for universities, Ken would be focused on studying next term and not really have time to see Tomo…

Ken said it wasn’t middle school, yet why did it feel as if he was about to plunge back into those years? Was he about to wake up and realise he was still living in that nightmare?

He touched his hair, feeling its length.

Would he be able to take it this time too?