Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Bertran drove along secondary routes in a south-westerly direction, with frequent road changes. His old Toyota seemed fit for the task.

"Do we go far?" Romain asked.

"I have never measured the distance by the roads we must take. If you look at the map in a straight line there is not much more than fifty kilometers.”

"Do not you want to tell me where we're going?"

“To the place where everything began. You will know in due time.”

After two hours of travel they arrived in a small village of about one hundred houses. A sign informed the young man that they were in Montsegur, department of Ariége, in the Midi-Pyrenees of France.

"The border with Spain is very close," Bertran said. "Now look at the top of that mountain.”

At a steep cliff Romain could see, far away, what looked like a ruined castle.

“That is Mount Pug and at the top is what remains of the castle of Montsegur.” Informed the tobacconist.