The cell phone woke up Romain once again.
"What the hell? ... Ah! It´s you Michel? Man! It's six o'clock in the morning.”
"I'm sorry to wake you early, Romain." But it is important that you dress up immediately and come with me.”
“What the hell is going on? Is it not another murder?”
“I'm afraid so. And this time double. I'll give you details on the way. We have a long trip. I'll bring a thermos with coffee and some croissants. Do not waste time on breakfast. I'll meet you in ten minutes in the lobby.”
When they met in the hall Dupont told him.
"They just parked the Gendarmerie van at the corner. I can see it through the glass of the door. We will travel alone and I will drive myself, in this way we can speak without witnesses.”
"You don´t trust anyone anymore?"
"And I have my reasons."
They had already been traveling for fifteen minutes on the A61. Both had been silent until then. Romain asked.
“Where are we going?