Chapter 16
They had already dined and they were each in front of cup of coffee. There was a mutual flow of sympathy because they belonged to the same age range and curiosity due to their contrasting experiences. Once the stage of questions about the de Terrailh case was over, several anecdotes of unusual events experienced by each of them began to be exchanged. Romain possessed a wide repertoire due to his long stay in Africa in the jungle and primitive environments. The city dweller Dupont listened to the tales ecstatically and with a little envy. When he considered the inventory of unusual events was exhausted, Romain asked in turn.
"And what can you tell me about your cases involving ritual crimes? Have you participated in many?
"A dozen cases. Everyday police work is much more routine, with simple homicides, fights, assaults, drugs and all kinds of usual crimes.”
"But a dozen cases is a lot. Tell me about them.”