Lara P.O.V

"About my dad"... I started to say, and Aiden woke up from his day dreams.

"You do that alot you know that?"

"Do what?" he asks so innocently.

" The whole day dreaming thing."

"What can I say baby love I'm a day dreamer and a night thinker and your beauty is quite mesmerizing."

I push my hair behind my ear trying to hide the fact that I'm turning tomato red from Aiden's response.

"Right... About my dad it was a Sunday night and we were going to get some cheese burgers, Dad liked the song on the radio so he turned up the volume. It was a song by Coleske my only. I could never forget that. We were driving back home and dad got a headache,he began to hold his head and almost passed out. I tried to keep him awake but it was too late. There was a truck on the oncoming side and all i saw were bright lights,Dad swerved the car and hit dead breaks. My seat belt was not on so I flew out of the car. I was unconscious but I woke up. I saw my father trapped inside the car I ran as fast as I could to get him out. The truck we hit was a gas truck."

A tear rolls down my cheek and I look at Aiden who looks so full of emotion right now.

"Lara you know we don't have to do this if you dont want to."

"No Aidy I want to."

"Okay I'm all ears."

I take a deep breath and start again.

"The car my father was in blew up right in front of my eyes...

That was like the end of my world. My heart stopped for a moment and I just fell down on my knees. I screamed as loud as I could. I was terrified, scared , alone , broken. I felt so many emotions in one moment. I had lost something that was most valuable to me. All I heard were sirens and then I passed out. I hit my head really hard and had a lot of internal bleeding. My brother Shawn saved my life by giving me some of his blood...

Everyday my father's death haunts me. Whenever I think about it I feel this guilt and pain in my heart. I kept on blaming myself for my loss. I could have ran to him faster or did something to help him. My mother was the most hurt. So nowadays she just keeps herself so busy with work so that she doesn't have to remember this tragedy. My siblings and I were all alone. We lost our father but in a way we lost our mother too. She distanced herself away from us all. I'm not saying she does nothing for us yes she does a lot but not emotionally. She literally just sent all my siblings and I to a psychologist but it's okay we understood and like...

My life is one big nightmare Aidy. Sometimes I feel like I can't do it anymore but I think about my dad. He would not be proud to see me that way. So the thought about him watching over me gives me hope for the next day and the thought about getting my mom back too. It-s those little things that kept me away from the darkness...At times the darkness inside felt so great and powerful I was afraid it would comsume all the good left inside of me but why should we hurt and destroy others just because we were once destroyed.Sometimes even for a few seconds I imagine that there is something greater out there for me. Greater then this darkness I feel inside of me , it will come one day."

"Listen to me Lara." Aiden says and takes both my hands in his.

" It was not your fault so don't you ever blame yourself okay. I want to feel what you feeling Lara. Give me some of your pain and I'll give you my happiness."

He gave me such a heart warming sweet smile that made my heart melt.

"As for that darkness inside of you we will keep it away. We will get rid of it forever. When we are done all you will feel is the light inside of you baby love."

"Thank you Aidy." was all I said.

After we had our talk Aiden drove me home. He wanted me to sing for him,apparently he was spying on me. I know he was but he would not admit it. I could not help but smile about the thought of that. Aiden Parker what are you doing to me?. I should stay far away from you. Far isn't the word if there were a word further then far then yes I would use it. Could I really do that? Yes you can Lara you cant let him get to you. Remember all of them are the same and everyone is nice in the start. He's just like Jacob he will ruin you I thought.

"Lara Lara Lara!" I hear Rachel walk upstairs to my room. "Yes yes yes!"

"Are you okay smally?"

" I sure am."

" That's my smally always fighting to stay alive."

" Yup that's me."

"You know I'm always here for you right."

" Yes mee too I'm here." Shawn barges in the room like some ninja.

"So tell us...hows school,the boyfriends,everything?"

"Shawn we were having a sister talk" Rachel informs him.

"So do I care hmm?"

" Okay my crazy sweet siblings, school is fine not that bad, I made a friend her names Clowy Sandson."

" Oh cool is she hot?"Shawn asks.

" Well yeah but stay away from my friends. "

"Yes tell him Lara."

" What about our cute neighbour, what's happening there huh?"

"Nothing okay , do you want me to get hurt again?"

"Oh Lara not everyone you meet will hurt you."

"No guys are bad you should stay away from them."

Can't you see Shawn that's what she's doing, do you want her to become a nun and live alone?"

" I'd rather be alone then have my heart broken. "

Shawn leaves and Poppy just gets home from work so she and Rachel dig all the juicy details out of me. "Wait wait he what?"

" He let me drive his mustang when we went for ice cream."

" He said he wanted your pain?"

" Yes Rachel but what's the big deal?" "What's the big deal? The guys a keeper."

"Why don't you take him for you then Poppy."

"Hmmm thats not a bad idea maybe I should call him by the window and ask for his number."

When I heard that I quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at her.

"Owww!" she yells.

"Is somebody jealous?"

"No guys I'm not."

"Really,then why are you so mad?"


" You sure as hell are."

Wait a minute I am mad. Am I jealous? Holy mother cocktail fucking fudge cake! I like Aiden.

"Okay so what no big deal my dear sisters I just won't tell him."

"Give the guy a chance Lara."

" NO I will not I know him for what a month now?"

"Yeah but it feels like an eternity." Poppy states and smirks at me. I guess we all knew she was right.

Its passed midnight and I'm sitting in the library reading a book at the same time thinking. I like Aiden but he could never know. All demons come in disguise and I shouldn't feel myself his Aiden Parker the girl everyone wants the guy every guy wishes to be. Why on Earth would he like me?