He said: "what is going on here!" Kyle got away from me quickly. He said: "she was trying to get up sir and I did not want her to get hurt."
Austin said: "okay, but do not you ever try getting into this room again without my permission." He said: "yes sir."
He said:" I told you not to get up! Let me help you." He helped me to get to the bed. I told him nothing because I was scared he would hurt him and I wanted this honor for myself.
He said: "you okay." I said: "yeah." Then I was eating, but my hand was shaking so badly because there were too many needles in my hand. He said: "oh leave this." I flinched so hard that I got food all over myself."
He said: "Woah you okay?! Why did you flinch." I said: "nothing." He said: "okay, let me feed you because you are shaking so hard. Then he got a tissue and cleaned me up.