Silly test! Nothing comes out of what I studied with Justin last night! Now how could they believe me that we just study?

I felt Justin looking at me from the corner of his eye, since she was all nervous, how not to be if he did not know anything!

I looked at Justin's sheet for just a moment and it was all figured out. How could that be if we only studied one thing in general last night?

-Justin realized I was looking at him and gave me a smile

- Can I help you with something? -Whispered me

"I hate you." I looked at him with hatred and then went back to the test. I put my head on the table making a gesture of defeat, I looked at Kim for a moment, as she always gets bad grades from her she does not care about anything. She was looking at herself in the mirror and adjusting her hair. She turned around and winked at me. I turned my head to the other side, since I didn't have much desire to see her thanks to the incident of Justin's "girlfriend".