Chapter 82 – The wind that guides the east

Year 2, Winter, First Month, Third Week.

Windsor, who still remained in the awkward standoff with the other cloaked figures, noticed the hunters leaving and started to gather energy over his free hand, clearly something to intercept the fleeing villagers. However, the talkative cloaked figure moved to the left, symbolically blocking the Mage’s attack, who responded by making an unpleasant expression.

“Are you really trying to get in my way? Even your people should know better than meddling into Kingdom’s business…”

Again, it looked like the mysterious person was smiling.

“This isn’t the Kingdom… How unusual for a Warden to leave his region. I wonder what gave you the confidence of leaving your domain unguarded.”

Windsor hesitated for a moment, was this a threat or a warning? Either way, he couldn’t back down anymore. He defied their resolve by continuing to gather energy over his hand, a wind servant would be enough to finish the escapers.