“Isn’t this a little too much? I mean, I promised to cooperate with you…”
Johann looked at the girl with pleading eyes, but she just rolled her eyes and ignored him. The Mage sighed and move back to analyzing the strange metal bracelet, he could feel wind energy and magic energy coming from it, but nothing else. He fought the urge to test it again, this morning incident was still vivid in his memory. Why was life doing this to him? Was this what they called fate’s irony? Even though Thundery was dead, he was still being shocked.
In the morning, Karl had finally come to see Johann and free him. After talking a couple of times, they reach an agreement, the Mage you accompany them and Karl would help him understand his wind crystal body better. However, to be freed, he had to agree to be restrained until they arrived at their new settlement, which could take one or two seasons in the Alchemist's predictions.