Chapter 151 – Special Arrows

“… and that’s it.”

Diana and Toni stared at Tael, considering if Lew was getting crazy or just torturing the boy, while Karl calmly took another bite out of delicious steak. Their friend was facing a financial crisis, but Karl seemed too focused on his food to care. Diana was about to flip on him when the Alchemist decided to speak.

“Instead of trying to get funds to pay for the plan, you could try to reduce the costs… For example, if the bunkers don’t need to be well-built, you could borrow the tools from the Ministry of Construction. Of course, they’ll give you a hard time, but you would get the tools nonetheless… Then use your own people to excavate and build the place, you think they can’t do it, just ask Alfeur one senior constructor borrowed, either way, you don’t need to pay for an entire construction team…”