Year 5, Spring, First Month, Third Week.
“Why is there a lake here?”
The Captain of the second section felt completely lost. He had assumed the post for less than a year and saw this mission as an opportunity to show his worth. Unfortunately, things had only gotten worse. First, they were restlessly attacked by beasts, even though this was the forest, they shouldn’t meet so many beasts. Then, when they finally located someone, a surprise attack from a MQ earth digger beast killed a dozen of his Guards and wounded one of the Mages working under the new Wind Lord.
If the series of mishappenings had stopped there, they would be able to move forward and just let it go, but now, an Originless lake appeared out of nowhere to block their path. Of course, the easiest and most obvious step would be just going around the lake, ignoring the oddity. However, because of the mysteries surrounding his target, he couldn’t. So, he would have to humbly request the help of the Mages.