Chapter 160 – Diversions

Year 5, Spring, Second Month, First Week.

“Sir, shadow two sent a report. The Kingdom’s forces are moving towards the visitor’s group...”

Lew instinctively interrupted his secretary without taking his eyes out of the magic tool:

“So, they’re trying to get information out of group or mix up with them to slip in…”

The dutiful secretary ignored his boss breach of decorum, which he had painstakingly drilled into the heads of his subordinates, and continued the report:

“No, Sir. They didn’t contact the group. Instead, they’re following the group up close without revealing their presence.”

The confused Minister finally focused on the report and considered the situation for a few seconds before voicing his guess.

“Hm… They must be trying to see how the group gets in…”

The secretary waited for any follow up order but nothing came, so she asked:

“Sir, should we cancel the reception at the lake’s border?”