Chapter 162 – Mining operations

Year 5, Spring, Third Month, First Week.

“We hit another rock, sir.”

Karl gave off a tired sigh as he stared at the recently built tunnel with a complicated expression. This was the umpteenth time they were barred by rock since yesterday when they started excavating. Usually, the excavator would be able to go through the rock with some difficulty, but the rocks close to the Green Mountains’ vein were bathed in magic energy for thousands of years making them stronger and resistant to their tool. Diana, who was impatiently leaned against the cave wall a few steps back, couldn’t help but voice her opinion.

“Why don’t we use the tunnel above the crystal cave? We just need to make it wider…”

The Alchemist felt a little irritated by the unhelpful interruption. Of course things weren’t that simple, otherwise, why would they waste time and resources trying to go through another path? Even so, Karl pushed back the irritation and answered her politely.