Chapter Thirty Four

David was too young to realize the long term impact on his future business dealings such an action might have. Though she was irritated by David’s behavior, she liked him too much to let him do something so stupid.

Besides, if she went with Dash, she hoped David would get the message she wanted his friendship, but wasn’t interested in anything more. She couldn’t be. She might want to hate Dash Black, but he remained the only man she could think of in that way... At least for now.

She had no experience with brushing off a man’s interest and this seemed the easiest way.

“I’m sorry. Can we make it another night?” she asked David by way of atonement.

“We won’t be here another night,” he reminded her.

“I know.” She said.

He would probably have said more, but the bus driver called the final boarding call, shouting specifically for David to get a move on.

“You’d better go,” she said, relieved the confrontation could not be prolonged. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”