Chapter Fifty Seven

“Let me take care of you, Savvie. Let’s forget for the time being all the problems in the past and just concentrate on the present.” Matt said.

“You can’t be serious.” She replied.

“I’m very serious. I’ve never been more serious in my life. We have a lot to work out. We can’t do that if we aren’t willing to spend the time together and talk.”

She’d never wanted to break down and cry more in her entire life. If only he’d been willing to listen before. If only he’d been willing to talk, to understand then. The one person she should have been able to count on above all others had coldly looked through her and called her a liar. And now he wanted to kiss and make up?

He touched her face with his fingers, and she was surprised that they trembled against her skin. His eyes were imploring her and she wavered on the edge of indecision.

God, was she actually contemplating this farce? Even as she posed the question to herself she was shaking her head in automatic refusal.