Chapter Eighty Seven

The room went absolutely silent at his declaration.

The expressions ranged from his mother’s ill-disguised horror to outright disbelief on his friends’ faces.

Even Emily looked skeptical as she rose to extend her hand to Savannah. It was then that Savannah noticed that Emily was pregnant.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Emily said with what looked to be a forced smile. Hell, how much could Emily possibly know about Savannah anyway? It wasn’t as if she’d been around for that long. But she, like the others, didn’t appear to roll out the welcome mat.

But Tess. She seemed different, and genuinely happy to meet her. And Savannah wasn't sure if smile was from her heart, but she was glad that at least some one was nice enough to pretend to be happy to see her.

Savannah offered a nervous smile and allowed Matt to seat her. This was going to be a long night..

“How are you, Savannah?” Dash asked politely.

He was seated next to her and she supposed common courtesy dictated his question.