Chapter Ninety

She turned back to him, sadness so deep in her gaze that it hurt him to look at her.

“Don’t you see, Matt? It can never work for us. You don’t trust me. Your family and friends hate me. What kind of life will that be for me? I deserve more than that. It’s taken me long enough to figure that out. I settled again, when I swore I’d never do it. I agreed to marry you. Again. Because I was so in love with you and I believed that we could move forward. But I was a fool. Some obstacles are insurmountable.”

She closed her eyes as another spasm of pain crossed her face. And she swayed, her hand flying out to brace herself against the dresser.

“Savvie, what’s wrong?” he demanded.

She rubbed her hand across her brow and opened her eyes, but her stare was unfocused. “My head.” She said. A sound like a whimper escaped her and he knew that something was wrong. Something beyond the emotional distress she was experiencing.