Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five

It was a relief having said it, but she didn't have the courage to look at Jeremy's face. She listened, waiting for him to speak.

"Well, I agree it might be better" Jeremy said slowly. "But, honey, it just isn't possible at the moment. I can't ask you marry me now when I don't have enough money. It wouldn't be fair to you"

"Oh Jeremy. I don't care" she said breathlessly. "it doesn't matter to me whether we have one penny or millions. I can go on with my art. I can keep and take care of myself"

"No can do" Jeremy said. "I want to be able to support my wife... Not the other way around"

Penny stiffened and the expression on her face became fixed. Jeremy reached across to her but she did not relax.

"Please, darling" he said gently. "Try and understand. I want to marry you, but it's financially impossible. That's the only reason, and I swear it. Look, Penny, if you like we can get engaged"

"if I like" Penny cried. "Oh, Jeremy..."