Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Two

Samson heard a feminine laugh come from the right, and he recognized the voice immediately... Maddison, he thought. She usually spent a lot of time with Jacob.

He turned around, and behold he was right. Maddison sat on a stool laughing at some silly shit the man beside her had just whispered in her ear. Samson's eyes settled on the man beside her. It was the man he had come to find, and he would be dammed if he didn't complete his mission.

He headed straight for Jacob Saunders, who looked up and grinned mischievously when he saw Samson approaching.

"Hey man" Jacob said, "I seem to be seeing you almost every where I go lately. If I didn't know better, I would say you were stalking me. You're not developing feelings for me or anything like that right, are you?"

He laughed and Maddison and some other of the vampires who heard him laughed too.