Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Four

George Grey was a Twenty Three year old vampire who just got turned a few months ago... By Samson. He had been driving home drunk one night when he lost control of his car and swerved into the woods. His car had collided with a tree and the impact had sent him flying out of the car through the windshield. There had been no hope for him because it was very late and no one could find him.

But luck had been on his side that night, because Samson had been in the woods that night too. He had run out of blood bags that day and didn't have the chance to restock, so he had decided to go old fashioned.

Samson had gone into the woods that night and run into a couple camping there. After he compelled the woman not to scream, he had fed from her husband, then compelled them to forget that anything weird had happened. The couple had returned to their camping and Samson was on his way back when he heard the crash.