Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Seven

Samson was about to reply when a voice said behind them : "Nah we are right here. Come on, you can't be thinking of leaving now. You just got here. In fact, we have been expecting you"

They all stopped dead in their tracks. Isabella's heartbeat increased as she turned in the direction the voice had come from.

"Get behind me Belle" Samson whispered.

Two Men stood in front of them. Both of them held cross bows, which were aimed at them. A shot of those wooden arrows into the heart of a vampire could be catastrophic.

"On your knees" one of the Men said. "And don't try any thing funny. You might be fast, but I'm sure that this arrow will definitely make it into the chest of one of you before you get to the both of us, and I don't think you want that"