Chapter Three Hundred and Sixteen

"You will always have me. That you can be sure of" Samson replied. His lips descended on hers until finally they locked together in a kiss of pure love. Capturing her lips with his, he poured his heart into her as he invaded the caverns of her mouth with his tongue. He wasn’t there to plunder, but to share. Her tongue met his, offering him what he knew he could never take: her trust. It was for her to give.

Their mouths fused in a passionate surrender to each other, neither one being the conqueror nor the conquered. Partners, equals in love. Both with equal strength and equal weakness for each other, both powerful and powerless at the same time.

Samson felt images invading his mind, images of lavender, the meadow, the sun. She opened up to him to take him to a place of utter happiness, a place without a care in the world, a place where he was just man, not beast.