Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Five

His movement was swift and smooth and came without warning. In a show of ruthless determination and masculine strength, he powered her back against the seat and trapped her mouth under his with such ferocious passion that her whimper of shock was swiftly transformed into a soft sigh of acquiescence.

Her skin tingled, heat exploded deep within her and every inch of her trembling, quivering body cried out for him. Ached for him.

She had dreamed so often of the two of them together. Had tried to imagine what it would be like to be with him properly.

But now she didn't have to imagine and his hard body came down on hers, one muscular thigh sliding between her legs as he held her captive with the weight and the heat of his mouth. The hard thrust of his arousal touched her intimately and she shifted and arched in an attempt to bring them closer together.