Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Three

He was so fucking late. He hadn't meant to be but those documents needed his immediate attention. He hoped she would still be at the party when he got there.

His driver parked the car and he stepped out. The fact that he'd had to go home to change even took more time. Attending the party didn't matter to him. It was just an opportunity to spend time with Emma. He saw a chance and he took the opportunity.

He walked into the hall and looked around, his eyes searching for her. She was no where to be seen. Maybe she had gone home. He thought. He would be disappointed if she had.

He saw Karen and Frank at a corner and walked up to them.

"Hey man" Frank said. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I got held up at work" Daniel replied. "Had some paper work to take care of. Where's Emma?" he asked Karen.

"Oh she's somewhere around" Karen replied. Last time I saw her she was talking to that guy over there. She said as pointed in the man's direction.

Emma wasn't there.