Beautiful Hello: smouldering charcoal

I never i raised an idiot like like you "Tamanda's mother shouted to her daughter"

a real coward "all supported"

all i need is you to get rid of your stupid trash you are carrying i don't i don't want to see it , don't even keep it in my house ado not want feed the wombs of savages , we are people of their names in this village look at how pretty you are ,will you afford to stand on that bare ground of yours "Tamanda's mother continued shouting"

Tamanda was really quet i can tell that from inside she wasn't on her mother's pats anymore for the first time {for all times she was her mothers lovely daughter there was atleast adistance with her father } all of their faces looked very worried and angry.

no not my daughter,am telling you she will keep the kid {this was Tamandas father shouting from the masters room and this was around 9pm after we took the supper and am sure they must be discussing of Tama's pregnancy }.

no ! how dare you, what kind of father are you not wishing good for your child "Tamanda's mom responded the shout with a shout"

hey do you know that that is a grave you are digging for your daughter ? in fact that's dangerous you can kill your daughter too .please don't fool me up to people "he said in response"

and remember that am the church elder do you know that that is forbbiden at our church? and respect her choice you cant make the choice for her "he added"

{few minutes later that night} goh! goh! goh! i want all of mine

hey! tamanda ! Tamanda! i dont want to request at private because even your parents knows about you and i {though i was asleep but ican tell that this was was gomezgani and he was drunk he was drunk icould tell by his voice }

goh! goh! goh! i dont want to destroy anything here please come out ! he continued

few minutes later iheard phuum ! which was the sound of a door

it took not too long when tamandas father came out "hey! who is it and what do you want from my house ? "Tamanda's father shouted

i am the one i think you know already "gome answered fearlessly "

so how can i help you young man before i call the police ,you have been making a lot of noise here whats the issue "Tama's father asked"

Aah! oho okay sorry father i don't have issues but ask your stupid prostitute "he answered"

and am here to take what i have been feeding you with ,i hope you know that you have been eating mine all over "he added"

hey! watch your mouth young man i have never come to your home begging for food nor to you "Tamandas father angrily shouted"

if its something you gave my daughter then it shouldn't concern me and i know nothing about you and my daughter (though the truth is he knows everything about the two ) have you ever come come to me and tell me anything about you two young man?"tamandas father again asked"

(from the looking i can tell that Tamandas mother support was off her husband she surely supported her favourite ex - son in law )

This will not stop here big man "gomezgani warned tamandas father"

sleep today tommorrow i will be back "he added"

in the morning Tamanda took her way to the market on the way to the market on the she meets Lalisa with her friends (Lalisa slides on tamandas shoulders ) and said(called tamanda) "bitch" (American translation of a prostitute ) Tamanda in avoiding causing too much troubles she remains quite and pass by though it hurted in her heart .

now my son you see i have been telling many things about this girls you are flirking with ,for us your parents we don't have anything drop school and start raising money for Lobola " Royds father said "

for what father (he smiles) i've heard that they will abort the pregnancy "Royd said (this hurted Royds father though he did not show up)

is that so? he asked

yes father ! Royds answered

then its okay "he said

(few minutes later ) hey stop that Tamandas parents are coming here "Royds mother said "

oh! you are welcome

Royd go and get the chair " Royds mother said as she was laying mkeka on the veranda "

ah no! we will not take too long dont even trouble my in- law "Tamandas father said "

Royds parents felt shy upon hearing the word "in law"

(Royds comes with the chair and gives Tamandas mother to sit on)

I hope you are all fine MR and MRS and sure know why we are here "Tamandas father said'

and am sure you are all fine too and for sure we are know why you are here sir and am sure its of our kids concern "Royd's father answered"

exactly you have hit the nail on its head "Tamandas father said"

the point is am sorry you must be worried of us for your kids mistake on our daughter and my my wife have agreed to let our daughter keep the unborn baby and it will will take from the two to decide on what will they do with the issue whether to marry or to continue school and am ready to keep the two my daughter and your sons unborn kid ,i know its a mistake and for this mistake to happen its because they all agreed one thing and the thing i blame most is love but i recommend that we continue helping the two despite their mistake and don't dare to plan for Lobola soon i know who you are and i don't think i may get rich just because of only lobola from you just relax lets guide them (tamandas father said

(This hurted tamandas mother mother even more because she didn't like their family)

Thank you sir for being kind to us and whatever you have said it shows that there is humanity in you "royds father said"

now i think we should be getting home "Tamandas father said "

oh! we are cooking at the kitchen "roids mam said

ah no ! its ok we will eat next time "tamandas mother responded with afake smiling face"

(though almost everyone knew about this tragedy but Gomezyani plans of killing Royd and dealing with Tamanda and her parents)

i won't see my love goes like that iwill surely deal with them "he lonely speaks in his room "

(gomezyani goes to Tamandas house and found only her mom)

Hey mama! do you think am a coward that you can play with and dump like that "gomezyani asked"

what? what do you think ? what should i do then ? she asks back

oho! i can see you have really fooled me you people will see, i will play the music and you will never forget the dance you will do "he says " and even to that in-law of yours " he added"

aha! now you are talking you loser , hey come here, i also don't agree with the trash just happening now tell me your plan "she asks'

my husband is going to Lilongwe for work issues i will plan for tamanda's abortion ,i will convice her to get rid of the stupid womb she is carrying within this period of her father's two weeks absence "she said "

and also i don't want to see that Royd anymore i assure you i will shut his breathe off "Gomezyani added"

sure exactly i am not even happy with his presence either, ok come tommorow before she finds us here go home and come back anytime tomorrow lets plan it well and lets play the game .

(Gomezyani goes home on his way he meets Lalisa with her friends )

Hey loser what is your plan now ?" Lalisa provokes Gomezyani "

(Gome looking at the cloud he only sees her with an angry eye)

Hey! Gomezyani i dont mean to say that but what am saying is what is you are only a woman "she again she provokes him by calling him awoman"

enough of your shits girl its none of your business "he angrily replies to her this time"

Its of my business too you know what i have lost my loved one either but for you are just like a woman in fact a loser can't you have a back up plan on it? she replies

ok now you are coming girl this shit has not only itched us but also her mother and all elders except her father "he replies

who? whose mother? she asks

you , i and Tamandas mother are in the same bus i this race lets meet tomorrow just call me home ...... to be continued

Remember give it a star and stay alert for more . thank you for reading