What to know About BlueWall

"…Uuuwwaaarrghh!!……Hah!!…the heck?!!…Where the heck am I?…".

As I awake from whatever it is that is happening to me, the first thing that I know and see as I opened my eyes is I was already submerged deep under the water. My first instinct that moved my whole body was to swim up, which I did with vigor. Once I was on the surface, I noticed that around me on the surface of the water was a lot of debris, Wood Planks, old rags, and pieces of stuff. Whilst still dog paddling underneath, I saw one of the thick wooden planks that were large enough for me to hold on to, it was about 3 meters in front of me, forcing my hurting body, I swam towards it, once I reach the planks. I pulled myself up, carefully, making sure that it won't be flipped over.

"...Hah~..Hah~…what is happening?…where am I?…ugh!..my head…wait…Bbbllleerrgghh!!…".

As I laid on my back on top of the planks with my ankle hanging on the edge being splash by the water. I tried to stay calm and recollect my thought. I remembered that, just a moment ago, I was installing a solar panel. But then ended up getting killed by a bunch of influencers wannabe, with a steel ladder smashed on my face. How did I ended up in the middle of an empty ocean and surrounded by what seems like an after-effect of a sinking ship?.

Then as I was still vomiting the salty seawater in my gut, I was assaulted by a head-splitting headache. At the same time, something that is foreign to my memories started to intermingle with my thoughts. I felt like a computer that has a whole bunch of data being download at a high-speed rate. I don't know how long the headache has gone on, I can't process anything the only thing that I can do was, laid on my back as I am now and wait, but as I wait and wait, my vision gradually turned dark. I passed out.


"HHHUUUUUU!!!!…..Hah!..Hah!!…what time is it?…".

Instinctively, As I awake, from who knows how long have I been asleep. My first action was to look at my wrist for a watch, the clock shows that it was 00:25. the sense that I can still know what time is it, factored a little bit to calm my head. I laid back down and looked up, gazing at the vast starry skies.

"...Wow…it's real..there's actually 3 moons…Kinda weird….but beautiful though….I really am transmigrated..".

I am innately a calm minded person, I'm the kind of person that always said, It is what it is. I was calming myself and relaxing, whilst gazing at the 3 moons, One moon was blueish in color and was the farthest one, it was called Luna. The mid one was called Mana which was purplish and the third one is called Ganma which is a greenish hue. The 3 moons form a triangle, and they circle the planet where I am at, Which is called The BlueWall.

"Normally in the novels, they would take over someone's bodies and get their memories…me?… I am still in my own body and almost got my brain fried……I really am dead huh?…I supposed no one would survive a broken neck and spine then got head smashed like a watermelon…Still, perhaps this is a great thing for me…if I can survive that is..".

The splitting headache that I had before, is what provided me with all the basic information that I need to know in this new world. The World was called The BlueWall, it was a world that in compositions and state are very similar with Earth, it's round and big, 2 times bigger, But the similarities between both of them ended just there. BlueWall, was a fantasy world, Magic and Dungeons Does exist, is the world normal?. The answer is no, not at all, it was a fantasy world set in a hard mode.

BlueWall was a world that has only 10 percent of surface land left. The entire world was filled with water, Sea Water, a deadly sea that is filled to the brim with sea monsters, which is abnormally strong and abnormally vicious. Not enough with the scarcity of the land, there is a dungeon, that often times broke then spewing all kinds of killing machines to eat everything on its path. In this world, foods and clean water were akin to a bar of gold, precious that worth killing over it.

BlueWall wasn't always like this, a millennia ago, just like earth, people lived on the land, there are lush forest and large cities all over the world. At that time, even the 2020 earth can't be compared to BlueWall, very advance, peaceful and proud. Games and entertainment, they already got Virtual Reality figured out. World Hunger? Deal with, Equality? Done. BlueWall at that time was prosperous beyond imagination, But then, as always, whenever things go well, there will always be someone who will mess shits up.

BlueWall was a world that on it, exist multiple races not only the standard Human, but they're also Elves, Demi-Human (Cat eared, Dragons and stuff), Dwarven and Orcish, When the world was at its peak, one nation known as the Kingdom of Han made a discovery that their scientist has found another world or dimensions, and invited all the scientist and Wizards to joined the researched team to further developed the project. But as always, when another nation heard it, they too don't want to miss the chances to make the same discovery to strengthen their achievement and boost their ego. Then the race change from, for the good of the world to a race of bragging rights.

The races were intense, each passing year there will be nations announcing their progress. Nation A already has a working dimensional portal, Nation Z already has a stable working dimensional portal, The United States of B already achieved a breakthrough of having a stable genius completing the very stable working, 200% working portal and ready to deploy the space force over to the other side. The race getting intense and intense each passing time, then one day, someone, somewhere made a very stupid decision, to powered on the Dimensional Portal, without any precautions and just keep saying that it was safe.

When one country did it, everyone started doing it and turned out it is not. The effects of tens of thousand-dimensional portals were opened at the same time actually spells something that sounded, apocalyptic. The prosperous BlueWall was shaken to its core, the simultaneously opened Dimensional Portal, not only opened the path to another world, instead, the tens of thousand portal actually pulled and merged 2 dimensions, 2 foreign worlds into the BlueWall. The first world was called The Dungeon World, when it merged with BlueWall, Dungeons started to appear like a wildfire, it appeared everywhere, underground, lake, mountains, cities, on the clouds on outer space. The abundance of dungeons wreaked havoc all over the place, the world was thrown into a bloodbath, death count rising, monster reign the throne over the pyramid chart.

The Devastations doesn't stop there, then came the second world or dimension, called the Ocean of Death, When the Ocean of Death merged with BlueWall, it dumps seawater on the entire planets and space. Nothing was able to stop it, the waters aren't the only concern, Ocean of Death also brought with her the deadly aquatic monsters, that can reach over the size of 30 floored high-rise buildings. The resident of BlueWall was already doomed, the lush and beautiful BlueWall was flooded continuously by not a heavy rain from the sky instead of a waterfall kind of situations from the sky for 3 months, and at the 6th months. BlueWall has completely submerged underwater.

BlueWall who previously have over 3 quintillion populations was reduced to only a few tens of thousands. The people of BlueWall lost everything, their technology, their heritage, their history, all of it were gone in an instant. Everything was jumbled, over the course of time, the surviving civilizations started to adapt and survived to their new environment. But it was with a cost, the survivors started to regressed, technologically, culturally, everything back to the old ages, Because now, it was no longer a race to prosper, but a race to survive.

Still, after surviving a devastating worldwide event, the Humane Being never learned a lesson, the survivors who able to find the remaining land surface, started to build their own kingdoms, then it was back to the old style, wars, banditry, discriminations started all over again. In BlueWall, males are rare, as for females, they were the ones who reign the world, they were the massive populace, Still, many men were the ones on the top, becoming kings and emperors. Female is 90 percent of the entire BlueWall population, but despite being large in numbers, somehow for who knows what reason, they were less strong than man, often times a single man can fight against one Sea Monster, whilst 10 women would struggle to kill one Sea Monster, this is, of course, depends on the men personality itself.

BlueWall has also adopted a new norm, which is somehow the after-effects of the world collusions, Female were tended to be more 'Forward' and their needs for sexual need has somewhat been amplified, whilst men have become somewhat liberated by the sexual needs. The worries were not afraid men would rape women, instead, a man would be worried that they would get gangbang by women. It was deemed appropriate for a couple to be married by the age of 13, in this world the concept of monogamy was deemed bullshit stuff. In a world where, a man was lesser than a woman, by number and scientific reason, woman's tended to encourage their male partner to marry more than one, not only because they tend to be inclined to share their loves with their closes person, but also to lighten the burden of living cost.

Living in a Dystopian world is not cheap or even easy by any means. Food was lacking, drinkable water is in scarcity, living space that is not underwater was even more scarce. In BlueWall, it was expected for a man not to work when they were married, instead, they partners were supposed to work for them, while the man becomes the head of the house, In BlueWall, the phrase 'Your husband work?…you should be embarrassed with yourselves!' was the kind that a phrase that many women feared. Weird to Earthlings mentality but here in BlueWall, that is not weird at all, in fact, if you were thinking otherwise then you are the weird one and will be made a fish food in an instant.

Still, seeing Man working wasn't really an unusual thing. Male also worked to support themselves, seeing a married man work are also not that much unusual, it just that the woman who married but doesn't work despite her husband working were being scorned. All because there are many single women in this world, getting married to a man was already a very fortunate thing to get. Same-Sex marriage and interracial relationship isn't something that is scorned off anymore and considered normal. Many of the major, races lived in harmony, but all the major race does discriminate on one particular race, it was the Merman. Merman was the race that comes with the Arrival of Ocean of Death, the racism towards them was uncalled for, as they too are suffering due to these unfortunate events, in fact, they are the victims of it.

"...I supposed, that splitting headache is worth it…I got the basic information I need to understand this world…A dystopian world huh…this surely gonna spice up my second life…".