Warrior Registerations

After registration was done, The three of us left the Marriage office and were escorted out by Mother Grace herself. I can see that she was very reluctant to let me go, under her wide friendly smiles. Naturally, such reactions were only for me to see, still, we determined to finish all governmental-related business done today, After all, Minako and Maria still have to go to work tomorrow. Also from what I know, Captain Miss Bonnie has already gone out of his way to arranged both our Marriage registrations and My Registrations to become an official Milk Town warrior.

"Minako, Mother Grace said I have to visit the 4th district Administrator office…where is that?..".

I asked because not that I can't read but mainly because all the offices in this town center were simply old and very worn out for someone to read them.

"Bridge Administrator Office were on the 3rd floor…let's go up these stairs..Careful, the step is steep..". (Minako)

I just followed her, everything on the side of the 4th Bridge Sections of Town Center was just too old and worn out. From here I can see the floor, office, and even the stairs of the other Bridges. Their side of facility and building weren't that too worn out. Thought the wood they used can't be said as new, but at the very least their building wasn't on shambles.

"...Is this a stair or just a ladder?…".

When I set my eyes to what Minako said was the 'Steep Step', what I saw was old wobbly stairs, that were set at a 70-degree angle. This was clearly a freaking safety hazard, people can die from this. But I can't even grumble at anything to boot, I just shut my trap and climb.

"Azmel?…Are you okay?…sorry…it must be hard climbing those right?..". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

After taking 4 minutes to climb only 34 steps of stairs, what greeted me was the Captain of the 4th Bridge Miss Bonnie. Who was talking with Minako in front of the only door on the 3rd floor. Her questioned weren't condescending ones, but out of concern. Probably because I may be the only person who took that long to climb those stairs.

"Hello, Captain Bonnie…Fuh~..Oh..Thank you…I'm okay..but that stairs is just a dead trap…You guys should consider repairing that though…".

I grab Captain Miss Bonnie's hand and thank her for pulling me up. She is strong, I give her that. She only laughed out loud as I complained to her, Minako and Maria on the other hand just smiled but from their eyes, I can interpret that they were saying 'Please don't say that!!'.

"..Hahaha..Sure, I will make sure see it handled…So, I guess congratulations to you Mr.Azmel, for getting married and becoming the residents of 4th Bridge..officially!!..". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

"Thank You, captain,…so, what should I do know?..should we get inside?..and what do I need to register?..".

Not that I was getting impatient, but right now we were still standing outside, and besides from me, Minako, Maria, and Captain Miss Bonnie, there's about a dozen people here hanging around. What worries me is that the floor was only a wooden floor and it looks really old and rotted at many places, We are standing at the height of a 3-floor building, also the people around me were all woman with a very rich bust. As someone who is very experienced in construction stuff, this kind of setting scares me.

"Nothing much to prepare..you just have to show that you are a level 3 Warrior, by punching some things…then a quick interview with the Administrator herself..after that you are all set…". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

"Punch something huh…I supposed it's okay..then, let's go…".

"Sure Follow me..". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

Casually she just beckons us into the office, the three of us followed inside. If it was a test for me just to hit something, then it is fine, it won't pose a problem for me, as I know a little bit of self-defenses myself. As Miss Bonnie was leading us, I got close to Minako and asked.

"What exactly an Administrator?..from her tone, it seems like it was a big thing…".

"Administrator was the ruler and the leader of a street…each Bridge has their own Administrator that oversees the all operations of that Bridge..from the operations, security, resource, people..everything that is inside their Bridge were all in their power to determine everything..also, Milk Town has 4 Bridge so that means 4 Administrator, all of them served directly under Queen Darla...Also, Captain Bonnie was the Captain of the 4th Bridge Towns Guard…her position is just seconds to the Administrator…please, Azmel...I'm worried, just..follow what she said okay…". (Minako)

No wonder, people were being respectful towards Miss Bonnie, she is actually a big fish. Minako was clearly concerned with my straightforward attitude, if I know from the start that Miss Bonnie was that powerful, surely I will control my mouth, but until now, I can see that she doesn't really mind my straightforwardness at all. I remind myself to be more self-constraint and entered the Office, the inside of it was, well, not that much different than the inside of the Marriage Office, but in terms of sizes, these places were much more longer, and wider. The furnish looks quite good, but they still can't hide their poorness. Still, at the very least it was clean and well ordered, no unnecessary noises besides the clerk who shouted the names of their recipients.

The vibe here was just the same vibe you can get when entering any government building on earth, but here everything is still made out of wood and it kinda looks like a long ticket counter, every single one of the counter has a different purpose. Loan Payments, Loan Service, Tax Payments, etc. With Miss Bonnie leading us, the three of us just went straight to one of the offices on the very left end of the Office, meaning from the door, we have to walk through half of the entire office, thanks to that, I have the opportunity to see what this Administrator office service was.

"This is the place where every warrior has to come to get their credentials…come inside, the test is in this room..". (Miss Bonnie)

There is no counter or anything on this end of the room. It was just a small room suddenly after the lines of counters, we entered the room, and in there, were a row of equipment, well, it's just 3, then there's a Blonde woman, sitting behind the only desk in the room, which faces the door. Behind her was a large sign that writes, 'Warrior Assessment And Registrations Office', all in caps, Also behind here was a very high catching plank, It was a list, on that list was over a hundred names, but most of them were crossed out, there are only 50 names that were still uncrossed. The List was called '4th Bridge Registered Warrior & Wizards'. I have learned my lesson not to ask too much to the 2nd most powerful woman in the 4th bridge, so the crossed name was either dead, lost, or already moved to another bridged.

"Quanon…this is our new Warrior, I need him to be registered quickly…". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

She went ahead and whispered to Quanon, the blonde office lady.

"Him?!..the Warrior is a man?!!..". (Quanon)

She jumps up from her chairs and looks straight at Miss Bonnie with a mixed surprise and exciting look, all over her face.

"Quanon!!..control yourself, you idiot!..look just registered him as usual, and don't make a scene…this is Administrator order…you better do not make a mistake and don't make him feels like he was only a hard sausage walking around…understood?!..". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

"Geez!!..Alright, Alright..I know…can't a girl get excited for once!..humph!..". (Quanon)

Quanon upsets, pouting her lips as she walkout from her desk carrying the writing board in her hand and waited beside the testing apparatus. Actually, Miss Bonnie has had a thorough talk with the Administrator last night, and it was about Azmel's arrival at 4th Bridge, their discussion lasted until midnight, due to this heavy topic. A man, with very odd behavior and taste in woman, a one-legged warrior who just returned from a deadly voyage on the deep sea, and a Young Attractive man who wanted to be married to a woman that lived on the poorest bridge in Milk Town, despite having the looks and privileges to go wherever he wanted in Milk Town.

4th bridge was known as the poorest sections in the Milk Town, the slums, and the place where the town clearly gives only a little crystal to invest on, the budget 4th bridge received was just enough to pay all it's a government worker. Despite, the Administrator and Miss Bonnie's multiple appeals to the Town Center office to add their budgets for them to improve the conditions of the 4th Bridge, they received only a few crystals that just enough for them to do some minimal repairs of their facility and bridges.

There is not a single male occupant in 4th Bridge, to make matters even worst, many of their registered Warrior were often poached by 2nd and 3rd Bridge, leaving the 4th Bridge were barely able to handle the attacks of the Sea Monsters and the uncountable amount of dungeons under the water, bellow the 4th Bridge, 4th Bridge was just a death trap that any sane people would avoid. Although Each of the bridges in Milk Town made the Milk Town as it is, each Bridge itself was like a self-governing entity, their riches, their struggle, their people, was something that they decided on their own. The Anchors will give them budgets every 2 years, and help if there's an outside threat or disaster, but that was about it, in turns, each Bridge will have to turn in their taxes, if not, the Anchors will repose a small part of their sections/Territories, and sell them to the other bridges, and they are pleased to do whatever they want with it. Expand their Section, harvest the resource, banished the previous boathouse, whatever they wanted.

Until now, the 4th bridge sections have shrunk and shrink every 2 years. All the good parts of it were already taken by 2nd and 3rd bridged, leaving the now remaining sections full with Dungeons underneath them. A sleeping threat that at any time will explode, So the arrival of Azmel, was a timely one that the 4th bridge needs. Azmel was a man, and very young and attractive ones, The Administrator and Miss Bonnie hope that, with him staying here in 4th bridge, the Anchors will have to add their budgets more and even attracted many of the Woman warriors and wizards from other Bridge, back to 4th bridge, perhaps even attracted business owners to set their business here. Miss Bonnie and the Administrator, don't really mind his Warrior status, though it is important, it was his gender and his attractions that they were after. That is why, the Administrator and Miss Bonnie, will go out of their way to accommodate Azmel every need, smoothing every process just to make sure he has a good impression on the 4th Bridge.

"So..Captain Bonnie?..what do I need to do now?..".

I watched as Miss Bonnie and the Blonde office lady have their seemingly heated conversation from afar.

"Mr.Azmel..this is Quanon…our Warrior and Wizards officials..she will help you go through, all the process today…just follow her instructions…". (Captain Miss Bonnie)

Miss Bonnie introduce us, and then she back away to where, Minako and Maria were standing, near the door. My focus then switched back to Quanon, who stand quietly next to the red sandbag.

"Hello there, Mr.Azmel..I am Quanon, your official this afternoon..I will be helping you assessing your strength and registering your warrior status..pleased to meet you, Sir..". (Quanon)

She doesn't have any of the reactions of any woman that I have encountered after hearing my voices so far. I guess this one is a real professional.

"Pleased to meet you too, Miss Quanon..then, what should I do?..do I just hit this sandbag?..".

"yes please…this sandbag has a weight mechanism..when it was hit, this digitalized meter here will show the strength of your attacks..so, please hit them with all you have for me to take the precise numbers..". (Quanon)

She pointed at a small glass screen on the top side of the sandbag. I guess despite the apocalypse, perhaps all these test apparatus were saved, or maybe they salvaged this, then that would explain its poor state of stitches all over the place.

"Alright then…..Minako, hold this for me please…".

I step back and took off my cloak, which I know my actions made all the eyes in the room glued on me. I was wearing my checker shirt and my previous blue jeans, but last night instead of the same long jeans, it has been altered by Minako, into short jeans, since the left leg was ripped to pieces by that blasted shark, Minako turned them into the same length. As I walked back in front of the sandbag, I realize, Quanon reacted just the same as any woman. I supposed she really tried hard to conceal her horniness.

"..… that feels good…alright..I'm gonna start now…HUP!!…..".

I started with a full roundhouse right kick, and the sound that it produced and the feeling on my feet, was sensational for me. I never knew that hitting something was this much exhilarating.