Money Slaps.

In terms of Buying Skills, I only bought what I need, there's a lot of skills on the page, but mostly all of them were mundane and even downright useless such as [Basic Calculating] or [Basic Procrastinating]. All of [Basic] tiered Skill only cost 1 S-Coins, so I mostly bought all the [Basic] skills I need. I exchanged 1 Mid Grade Crystal to bring me up total of 12 S-Coins and bought a lot of them.

Name: Azmel

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Trait: Calm

Race: Human+Elves

Level : 3 0/100 EXP


Health Points: 35

Mana Point: 25

Stamina: 40

Physical Strength: 2.8

Mental Aptitude: 4.0

Reflex: 2.6

Charisma: 1.0

Skills Passive:

Handy Man {A}

Calm Minded {A}

Normal Physical Regeneration {B}

Basic Sword Arts {E}

Basic All Attribute Enhancement {C}

Basic Archery {E}

Basic Charming {C}

Basic Sexual Arts {C}

Basic Growth Enhancement {B}

Basic Swimming {F}

Skills Active:

Basic Appraisal {G} 1MP/Use

Basic Lighting Magic (Lightning Bolt) {C} 2MP/Use

Basic Defensive Spell (Iron Skin) {C}

5 MP/ 2 hour

I spent 9 S-Coins to buy the most useful basic skills that in my opinion, that is surely beneficial to me, with the basic swords art and archery, it made me able to handle my weapons much more effectively and efficiently like I have been doing it for years. [Basic All Attribute Enhancement ] give me an instant 1.0 increase on, physical, mental, and reflex, and upon level up it will grant me 0.4 increase instead of 0.2, for HP, MP, and Stamina it instantly gives me 10 points, and upon level up the increase will be 10 instead of 5. meaning compare to normal people I actually stronger than them by 0.2 points. Which is a margin that is enough to make a big change.

[Basic Growth Enhancement ] will give me + 1 Exp upon each kills, the Exp in this world was counted by the number of kills, that is why it was extremely hard to level up. [Basic Charming ] just made me look more approachable and made me look very attractive to others, [Basic Swimming ] just enable me to swim better and hold my breath underwater for a longer time than normal. [Basic Sexual Arts], well it helps me last longer and can make my partner's orgasm fast and hard, also it enables me to control the fertility of my sperms, which is to me is essentials.

[Basic Lighting Magic] is the magic element that I've chosen, and the only spell it has was {Lightning Bolts}, it was a very fast and deadly spell among the [Basic] tiers magic. And the [Basic Defensive Spell ] was just my extra layer of protections the {Iron Skin} spell will turn my skin tough like a metal sheet, when activated my skin will look as if it was made out of metals, it was economical in terms of MP spending, also when I tried to cut myself with my sword, it actually can't cut through, but only produce a lot of sparks.

"Fuh~..with this status…I'm sure everything will be alright…Minako and Maria sure take their time..I guess I better take a shower now…".

It's already 6 in the evening, but Minako and Maria still haven't come home yet. So I decided to take a shower first, surely they will be back home in a few minutes.

After separating with Azmel, Minako Maria left to do a little grocery shopping for today's dinners. They made their way to the bustling 3rd Bridge where all the fresh food and other things were sold. Unlike the 4th bridge, the 3rd Bridge wasn't so accommodating to any of the 4th Bridge residents after all they come from the slums of Milk Town. Still, Minako and Maria have to come here to buy their necessities despite the hate and scorn that will be thrown at them.

"Oi..Slum rats!!..come back yo where you hole is!!..haha!!..". (Bystander)

"But we come to buy…we have money..". (Maria)

"..scram you filth..go..go..I don't serve rats here…go..". (Fish Vendor)

Before even knowing what they want, every single vendor large or small turned them away. All of the people here in 3rd Bridge was like this, they took joy in scorning and stomping the poor people from the slums, even though they were the same Unwanted Woman as any of this town residents are, it's just how the people of this town reacted just o make themselves look different and feel better than any person next to them.

"Maria..let's go….". (Minako)

Minako knew this will happened, she has always being pushed around in here. So she knows even if they insisted the vendors will never sell anything to them but perhaps even hurt them in the daylight. And anyone who sees it will only laugh at them.

"Are going to old Lulu stall?…but her fish is probably an old fish…and she sold it at an expensive price even though we always shop at her place…". (Maria)

"It might be..but might be not…we can see the fish and picked them ourselves...if the prices were expensive, we can just as for a loan from her…thought the old lady might be a little over least she wouldn't harm us…Maria..remember, we're are now married to Azmel..and tonight is our wedding night..even if we can't give him the best wedding dish…at least, for him, we must keep our body clean and healthy…he's already kind enough to marry us…we can't let him sees our body dirty and with bruises…Let's go…". (Minako)

Although she was a gentle person, Maria was someone who is willing to stand at anything to get what she wants. As for Minako, she was a wise person, who always bring balance to everything. There is a well kept and Honoured tradition of a wedding ceremony in BlueWall, that all Woman has to abide and are obliged to do in their first night. One is to cook the wedding dish that is to be served to the husband, and the wedding dish must be made by the wife, using only the freshest ingredients. By doing this it would signify the wife's dedication to serving her husband and her willingness to support his husband in any shape or form. Second, is to present their bodies, free from any dirt and wounds, and on the first night the wives need to serve their husband's needs with eagerness, willingness, and devotions, this signifies the wives submissiveness, loyalty, and undivided love to their husband. Only by following these 2 rules, will the wedding can be called true and everlasting.

This is also the reason why Minako doesn't want to argue with the vendors because she knew the vendor will hurt them if they insist. Although she was reluctant to buy at the Old Lulu stall, Minako doesn't have a choice, because she had to have the fresh fish for the wedding dish. Old Lulu stall was one of the oldest Boat Stall in 3rd Bridge, all of the 4th Bridge residents get their supplies of food and other items here, because, although she is crude with her words, her stall rarely physically harm people, and she always let people from 4th Bridge took a loan from her stall, despite the prices of everything she sold were expensive.

" Rat!..when are you going to pay what you owe me?…". (Old Lulu)

"Old Lulu..please..I just need a little bit more time!!..". (Customer)

"No, no Crystal no fish!..go away!!..shoo!!..". (Old Lulu)

Even from afar, Maria and Minako can already hear the old lady screaming voice, through the crowds of 4th bridge customers. Both of them squeeze through the crowds and finally got in front of the boat stall, lining up before them was rows of the square basket, filled with fresh living fishes, dead fishes, salted fish, woods, waters, rough salt. It was small stores that sell everything, but everything was just places un-organized

"Old Lulu…how are you?..". (Maria)

Maria politely greeted the old lady, who then looked at her. She and Minako have always dealt with this old lady's sharp tongue, but even the most patient person would waver, after years and years of constant undeserving insults. People know they were already poor and filthy, but does it has to be repeated again and again.

"Ohh!!'s the trash blonde and the milk tank!!..what you 2 sluts come here for?..what?..another salted fish and wanted to owe me then pay the next month?…is that it?..". (Old Lulu)

She doesn't wait, with a smug smirked on her face. She started her own insult roast show.

"Old Lulu..that's no it..we just here to buy fresh more loaning…can I touched them and chose them myself…I will pay you upfront..". (Minako)

She knew the old lady will surely fire off her mouth as soon as she can, but Minako was willing to endure her insults, as long as she got the fish. Minako squatted in front of the live fish barrel and asked Old Lulu politely.

"Cheh!…Filthy slut's wants to talk down to me..Nah! ain't gonna dip that filthy hand of your down my barrel!!.. I gonna pick it..and whatever I pulled out you have to buy it!.. if you refused...I am not gonna sell you any fucking thing today…and you think you can go anywhere buying fresh fish?…you...YOU LOT?….4th bridge should know your place!!..". (Old Lulu)

No matter how polite Minako and Maria was it doesn't matter a single bit. Old Lulu would do whatever she wants and she enjoyed seeing all these hopeless people struggling at her mercy.

"But..NOO!!!....". (Maria)

Before Maria and Minako were able to say anything. Old Lulu already has her hand deep into the barrel and pulled out a fish that was almost as big as her head. She was grinning when she saw the fish size and it was a Salmon, the expensive fish. Maria and Minako were stunned seeing the salmon in Old Lulu's hands, salmon that big even the dead one will cost 1 Mid Grade Crystal. Now this one is alive, the only place and chance they can have fresh fish now seems an impossible one.

"Hehehehe…looks's a salmon…hehe, since you 2 were just a beggar sluts… about 3 mid-grade crystal?…hehehe…get your money ready…". (Old Lulu)

She was pumped looking at Minako and Maria's desperate faces. If they won't buy this salmon, they will have no chance to buy any fish, and then if they wanted to they will have to take a loan for it, then she would charge them a high interest. This has always been her MO, profiting of others misfortune, she was just a physco old coot. Maria stands up and turned towards Minako, with a grievance look, and she rummaged her pockets only to pulled out 3 lower-grade crystals in her palm.

"Minako…now..what?…we..we..need fresh fish..we need them…". (Maria)

Her eyes were already glistening, as she holds the lower grade crystal in her hand and clings to Minako's arms. The bystander of the whole event's felt their pain, they to our 4th bridge poor residence, it was never felt good here. But this is how it is. Minako deep down was already lamenting her fate, and blame her inability to do a simple thing, which is a responsibility of a wife. But she knew one way or the other, no matter at what cost, she needs to cook the Weeding dish tonight even if it means being in an unreasonable debt. Minako reach her hand inside her skirt pocket and rummaged the inside, she only has 4 Low-grade crystals, she knows the number won't change, but at least this act gave her a little bit of hope. Then her fingers sense something amiss, the numbers of the crystal inside her pocket are not 4 but 9, and 5 of them were larger than the 4 she owned.

"Our husband…he really is different, Maria…Take the fish…Maria, trust me..just take the fish of her hand..". (Minako)

As she was wiping her well up eyes, she smiled at Maria, Maria hearing Minako's words, decisively, grab the salmon that was already tied to a string off Old Lulu's hands.

"Why you?!!…,..what ar..e…you…is this..". (Old Lulu)

At first, she was furious at Maria for snatching the salmon, but before she even gets the chance to speak, she was slap in the face with a 4 thumb-sized pearl, that falls into the many baskets near her feet. Instinctively, she looked down, and what she saw was 4 Mid Grade Crystal, sitting beautifully.

"Take that..that is your money..3 for the salmon and 1 for all of our previous owed…keep the change…next time, you might want to change your tone, with old senile!..". (Minako)

For the first time, in her entire life, she lashed out against this abusive old lady. Not because of the crystals, but because of the courage and sense of security behind it, Both her and Maria are no longer the same hopeless woman as before, they are now the wife of the only man in 4th street. They will no longer be pushed around by anyone because that right only belonged to their husband, only their husband has the right to scold them, no one else. Both of them returned home instantly.

"Minako..where did you get that much crystal?..". (Maria)

"Maria..who else will give us money?…". (Minako)

She smiled as she said that, Maria instantly knew where the money comes from. It was from their husband, their paces hastened, they have never felt this much excited and happy to get home, soon their walk becomes a run, every neighbor who saw them only felt weird as to why the 2 women running on the bridge. Soon their humble Boathouse come to their views, Maria and Minako stopped as soon as they on their boat and calm themselves before they entered, looking at each other, they nod and opened the door, inside.

"Husband…we're home..". (Minako & Maria)

"'re here?..welcome home, Minako..Maria..". (Azmel)

His handsome face and gentle loving smiles greeted them. Made them both feel that they were the happiest woman in the world.